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Journal of Chemical Technology and Applications | Volume 2
Annual Spring Conference and Expo on
April 04-05, 2018 | Miami, USA
Chemical Engineering: From
Materials Engineering to Nanotechnology
he LBET method entails a wider spectrum of information
on the analyzed structure of the micropores and the
processes occurring on the surface of the adsorbent what
provides a unique tool enabling a precise characterization
of the structure of the porous materials. The LBET method
might be used not only as a competitive tool in comparison
with the DR and BET methods, porosimetric measurements
and others, but also as a valuable complement to these,
making it possible to obtain an almost full spectrum of useful
information on the structure of the analyzed materials. Such
precise information enables an optimal selection of methods
and conditions of the production process of carbonaceous
and mineral adsorbents.
kwiatkow@agh.edu.plThe application of the new LBET method to the comprehensive analysis of the microporous structure
of carbonaceous and mineral adsorbents
Mirosław Kwiatkowski, Katarzyna Zarebska
Paweł Baran
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland