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Journal of Chemical Technology and Applications | Volume 2
Annual Spring Conference and Expo on
April 04-05, 2018 | Miami, USA
Chemical Engineering: From
Materials Engineering to Nanotechnology
n the presence work, chemical reduction by electroless
deposition technique as a method belonged to the bottom
up approach of synthesis for a nanosized particles is used for
producing a uniform shape and size metallic nanoparticles. A
number of metals can be reduced to the metallic state from
solutions of their salts by chemical means. These are of group
IB such as, silver and copper and of group VIII such as iron,
nickel, cobalt, Platinum and palladium. in the elemental form
bimetallic form or in the alloyed form. Metals and alloys as
submicron size and nanoized particles structures including
Pt, Pd, Ag, Cu and Ni as well as Pt-Ni, Fe-Ni, Ni-Co and Fe-Co
bimetals or alloys were prepared. by chemical reduction in
aqueous solutions. Although the techniques have been used
to produce precious metal powders, the ease of chemical
reduction from solution and the variety of powders that can
be prepared make this aqueous processing technique the
preferred approach to build up homogeneous nanoparticles.
Chemical precipitation of metal from a solution of soluble
salt is used, such as silver and copper particles of which is
produced by adding a reducing agent such as formaldehyde
to a solution of silver or copper ions. Although many
reducing agents are available, those most commonly used
to reduce the ions for the metals of group IB and VIII are
hypophosphite, borohydride, hydrazine, polyols and
aldehydes. Different types of complexing agents were used
as a chelating agent for the metals in the bath to prevent
hydroxide precipitations as citrates, oxalates, acetates and
tartrates. The results reveled that, it is possible to produce
nanoparticles consisting of one or more metal with different
morphology by appropriate adjustment of the chemistry of
the reduction solution. Synthesis of nanosized bimetallics
or alloy are also taking place. Studies of the deposition of
nickel with other metals such as Pt, Co or Fe were showed
that the produced particles are highly homogeneous. The
particle size and morphology investigations were performed
by SEM, TEM and EDAX analysis. XRD was performed for the
investigated particles to identify the chemical composition
of the produced particles. The magnetic properties of the
obtained particles were investigated by the vibrating sample
magnetometer method.
waliddaoush@techedu.helwan.edu.egPreparation of nanosized particles for Group IB and Group VIII transition metals by chemical reduction
in solution
Walid Daoush
Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia