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Journal of Chemical Technology and Applications | Volume 2
Annual Spring Conference and Expo on
April 04-05, 2018 | Miami, USA
Chemical Engineering: From
Materials Engineering to Nanotechnology
he early efficient diagnosis and therapy of some
important disease like cancers is still a hot topic in the
relative areas involving in patient care and treatments. In
this study, we have explored the possibility of the application
of new supramolecular probes combining with nano-scaled
materials in relevant biomolecular recognition and high-
sensitive detection of disease like cancers. Especially, we
have developed a new strategy for the fast and high sensitive
recognition of the target biomolecules and cancer cells by
combining the supramolecular probe and functionalized
nano-interface with the spectro-electrochemical study. Our
observations demonstrate that the self-assembly of the
specific nanocomposites with the new molecular probes
could provide a multifunctional interface for the rapid and
high selective identification of cancer cells, with a broad
detection range and low detection limit. It is evident that
different types of cancer cells or bacteria could be readily
distinguished on the relevant nanocomposites modified
nano-interface, which have the promising application to be
adopted as a significant way to detect and identify various
kinds of mutant cells and advance the clinic diagnosis and
monitoring the treatment of target disease like cancers.
Moreover, some ultrasensitive and intelligently multi-
functional nanoprobes based on the
in vivo
nanoclusters for multimodality imaging of cancer cells /
exosomes or target tissues have been also explored for the
real-time monitoring and dynamic analysis of some disease
related biomolecules/cells/tissues.
xuewang@seu.edu.cnUltrasensitive cell detectionbasedonnewsupramolecular probes andmultifunctional nanocomposites
Xuemei Wang
Southeast University, China