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Virology research J 2017 Vol 1 Issue 2

Page 36

July 26-27, 2017 | Vancouver, Canada




Hongyun Fu

Eastern Virginia Medical School, USA

A tale of two cities - The trajectories of the dual epidemics of illicit drug use and

HIV/STIs in Kunming and Qingdao in contemporary China


Illicit Drug abuse has been inextricably linked

with the epidemics of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted

Infections (STIs).The mechanisms and magnitudes of

associations have varied over time and across different

populations and geographical areas. In China, the early stage

of the HIV epidemic was driven mainly by injecting drug use

(IDU) starting in the late 1980s in Southwest China bordering

the Golden Triangle – one of the three largest heroin

production sites in the world. Meanwhile, alarming rates of

synthetic drug use (e.g. methamphetamine, ketamine and

ecstasy) have been reported particularly among young adults

and sexual minority populations, coinciding with high co-

morbidity of mental health problems, risky sexual behaviors

and HIV/STIs. Using data from qualitative interviews with

key informants and other secondary resources in Kunming

and Qingdao in January/March 2017, this study compares

types and patterns of drug use and characteristics of drug

users. It also examined the social and environmental contexts

in which drug use was frequent to understand the driving

forces behind the dual epidemics of illicit drug use and HIV/

STIs in contemporary China.


We first complied and reviewed existing

secondary data and published literature on drug use and

HIV/STIs in the two cities. Informed by the findings, we

designed semi-structured interview guidelines and recruited

a diverse sample of 60 key informants (30 respondents each

in Kunming and Qingdao), including local drug users (n=18)

or their family members (n=2), community rehabilitation

center doctors and social workers (n=14), local police (n=11),

and taxi drivers or other people who were familiar with local

drug use (n=15). Between December 2016 and February

2017, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were

conducted by trained researchers to talk about common

drugs used, characteristics of drug users, cultural beliefs and

norms related to drug use and sex, social and physical context

of drug use sites, and factors related to the variations in drug

use prevalence across communities.


Preliminary analyses revealed distinctive patterns

of drug use between the two cities. In Qingdao, crystal

methamphetamine is the singlemost prevalent drug,While in

Kunming, multiple drugs were raised, including heroin, Magu

and methamphetamine. Poly drug use is more prevalent, and

the use of synthetic drug is on the rise. In both cities, heroin

use, which was once the “symbol of fashion” in 1980s and

1990s, was now considered “dirty” and “out of date “, and is

used mainly in private by older drug users. Heroin users also

occasionally consumed synthetic drugs. Overall, the harm

of heroin use had been acknowledged by both the public

and drug users, while synthetic drugs were considered more

fashionable, or beneficial (help losing weight, be sensational,

stay energetic, release pressure, and enhance sexual

pleasures) and not (or less) addictive/harmful. In both cities,

drug use was more prevalent in low income communities

and neighborhoods with high concentration of transient

populations. Having family members or friends that used

drugs was frequently reported by drug users. The crackdown

of police did not seem to prevent/reduce drug use, rather, it

drove drug use underground, e.g. from public entertainment

venues to more hidden and mobile sites, for example, rental

rooms/apartments, private vehicles and secluded places

(e.g. suburbs or cemeteries).

Conclusions and Discussion:

Findings from this study

highlighted that group norms and beliefs towards certain

drugs, individuals’ social networks, and social contexts play

a significant role in shaping individual perceptions about

certain drugs and their choice to use drugs as well as the

health consequences associated with drug use.

Speaker Biography

Hongyun Fu is an Assistant Professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School Norfolk, VA,

