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Virology research J 2017 Vol 1 Issue 2

July 26-27, 2017 | Vancouver, Canada




Acute HCV and HAV in men having sex with men: An emerging epidemic in the era of highly active

antiretroviral therapy

Antonio Mastroianni

Presidio Ospedaliero "G.B. Morgagni-L. Pierantoni", Italy


en who have sex with men (MSM) are at risk for

acquiring hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus

(HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) and must be vaccinated

at an early age to prevent acquisition of HAV and HBV. Acute

HCV and acute HAV infection are frequently a missed or

delayed diagnosis bc largely asymptomatic. Fewer than 20%

of patients have characteristic symptoms and unexplained

elevations in transaminases may be the only laboratory


HCV has been traditionally known to be transmitted

parenterally and HAV through fecal-oral transmission from

person-to-person contact, while not efficiently transmitted

through sexual contact. Since 2000, epidemics of acute

HCV infection in HIV‐infected MSM have been reported,

predominantly in Western Europe, Australia, and the United

States. Certain sexual risk behaviors have been hypothesized

to be associated with the acquisition of acute HCV infection

in this population: unprotected anal intercourse, fisting,

enema use, bleeding during intercourse.

Group sex practices and unsafe sexual partices were all

associated with acute HCV infection in recent different

studies. HAV outbreaks occurred among MSM throughout

the world in the 1990s and sexual activity is probably the

major mode of transmission among homosexual and bisexual

men. Acute HAV infection may have an impact on HIV viral

load. The interactions between HIV and HAV may prolong

the HAV viremia compared with non-HIV-infected individuals

which may result in a prolonged duration of risk of HAV

transmission to others, and may also increase the risk of HIV

transmission. Some studies suggest that acute hepatitis A

may increase HIV-1 viral load that may not return to baseline

after infection is resolved. MSM are at increased risk for HAV

infection, and risk factors include high number of sexual

partners and sexual practices involving oro-anal contact,

however limited data suggest low rates of HAV vaccination

in this population, particularly among young MSM. HIV-

infected MSM who do not participate in intravenous drug

use have essentially the same rate of hcv infection as the

general population, however, in the last few years, there

have been a number of reports of acute HCV infection due

to sexual transmission in the HIV-infected MSM in urban

centers in Europe and in the US. Health-care workers often

do not ask about risk behaviors during health-care visits,

resulting in missed opportunities to vaccinate persons in

high-risk groups against HAV and HBV infection. Reciprocal

interactions between HIV and HCV or HAV can increase risk

of morbidity and mortality in HIV disease and/or worsened

the natural course of the hepatitis viruses. Healthcare

workers should maintain a high grade of clinical suspicion

to identify the transmission risk factors for prevention of

reinfection, to recognize HAV and HCV in the acute stage of

infection to preventing liver related morbidity and mortality

in patients with HIV infection and to decrease the risk of

HCV transmission to susceptible hosts. The prevention of

HAV and HCV infections in the setting of co-infection with

HIV is critical because of reciprocal interactions between the

viruses that can lead to an increase risk of morbidity and


Speaker Biography

Antonio Mastroianni, M.D, graduated and specialized in Infectious and Tropical

Diseases at the University of Bologna. July 1996–May 2017 working as a medical

physician specialist in Infectious Diseases & Tropical Diseases with a “High degree in

antibiotic and antifungal treatment” at Infectious Diseases Unit of the “G.B.Morgagni

– L. Pierantoni”, Hospital,Forlì, Italy. June 2017 Director of Infectious Diseases Unit

"Annunziata" Hospital, Cosenza, Italy. Master of Tropical Medicine (University of Siena),

Master of Diagnostic Pathways and Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections

(Bologna, ECCMID), Master of Sepsis & Septic Shock (Univeristy of Milan), Master of

Hospital Infections (University of Milan-Bicocca), Master of Tuberculosis (University of

Brescia), Master of Pediatric Infections (University of Florence), Master of Infections

in Pregnancy (University of Brescia). Mastroianni has authored more than 150 peer

reviewed publications in indexed Journals as Clinical Infectious Diseases, AIDS, AIDS

Care, Journal of Chemotherapy, Clinical Microbiology & Infection, Europen Journal of

Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infection.
