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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
November 26-27, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Spine and Spine Disorders
Addiction Research and Therapy
3rd International Conference on
International Conference on
Joint Event
Minimally invasive Spine Surgery applied to Traumatic Spine Injury: My experience at University of
Maryland Prince George Hospital
Mehmet Fatih Inecikli
Recep Tayyip Erdogan University School of Medicine, Turkey
any techniques are used in Interventional Radiology
for treatment of Vertebral Disorders especially in
Benign and Malign Vertebral fractures (VFs). Some of these
are Vertebroplasty (VP), Kyphoplasty (KP), Sacroplasty and
Vertebral Radiofrequency Ablation (VRFA). These procedures
are applied for restoration vertebra in Benign and Malign
VFs. It is aimed to strengthen the Spine, ablation of the mass
lesion in the vertebra and reduce the pain in these procedures.
These operations are applied more easily withMinimal Invasive
methods in Interventional Radiology.Withnewprocedures such
as Biplane Angiography devices and their system softwares. VP,
KP and Sacroplasty procedures are stabilize VFs, reduce pain
and morbidity that may develop secondary to fractures. VRFA
is an effective treatment method in Vertebral Metastases,
decreases or destroys Vertebral Metastatic mass. It was found
to be meaningful that there was a statistically correlated pain
reduction with these procedures (p<0.001). These procedures
can be combined with treatments, applied in other clinical
branches. Theseprocedures canreducehospitality stay.Minimal
Invasive methods in Interventional Radiology are simple,
effective, reliable and easy to perform. These procedures are
diminishing back and lower back pain, developed secondarily
to Vertebral Disorders with malign or benign reasons.
Speaker Biography
Mehmet Fatih Inecikli has completed his medical degree at the age of 25 years from the
Atatürk University School of Medicine in Turkey. He is the assistant professor of Recep
Tayyip Erdogan University, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Turkey. He
has many publications that have been cited over 80 times. He is active participant and
principal investigator in Interventional Radiology, especially focusing on Neurovascular
Interventions and Minimal Invasive methods in Vertebral Disorders. He is current
member of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe (CIRSE) and
Turkish Society of Interventional Radiology.