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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
November 26-27, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Spine and Spine Disorders
Addiction Research and Therapy
3rd International Conference on
International Conference on
Joint Event
Interlaminar/Interspinous and facet joint stabilization system in lumbar DDD: Preliminary results
Giancarlo Guizzardi
Tuscany Surgical Center, Italy
In the last years from the interspinous devices for
motion preservation to treat the DDD in lumbar spine, many
companies are shifted to devices for fusion. The aim of this
presentation is to introduce a new system for Interlaminar/
interspinous and facet joints stabilization and fusion. This new
device is very different from the other in the market for these.
•Doublesystemforprimary stabilityof thedevice (Interspinous/
interlaminar and facet joints.
• Contact bone to bone and not bone titanium to obtain a sort
of biologic fusion
• A ligament to compress the bone and restore the lordosis.
Material and Methods:
Then patients were operated on with
this new device (CEE Approved) for Lumbar DDD with initial
instability due to a loss of disc and ligament compliance after the
failure of conservative treatment for a minimum of 6 months.
In all the cases any other surgical procedure, like bone or soft
tissue decompression, was added. The titanium scaffolds were
filled by bone chips.
The authors present the preliminary results of this
new system. The evaluation from radiological (X-Ray and
CT Scan) and clinical (VAS and QOL test) point view was
performed the day after the surgery and at 1and 3 months.
No major complications were described intra or after the
surgery at moment. Good results were achieved in 88% of
the patients with a percentage of fusion and stability at 93%.
A biggest number of patients and a longer follow
up will be for sure requested to validate completely this new
device, but these preliminary results must be considered very
Speaker Biography
Giancarlo Guizzardi is staff at Neurosurgical Department of the University and City
Hospital of Florence (Chief of the Spine Surgery Section to December 2015) since
September the 1st 1977. He is Specialist in Neurosurgery, Neurophisiopathology and
Sport’s Medicine. From the beginning of 80’s he devoted his surgical activity especially
to the surgical procedures of the degenerative, traumatic and Neoplastyc pathology of
the spine (about 7000 procedures). He published about 90 papers and chapters in the
most important Italian and international medical journals and books. He was invited
as speaker, chairman and organizer to the most prestigious Italian and international
meetings of spinal surgery. He invented and developed new devices, protocols and
min-invasive approaches in “non-fusion” technologies in Degenerative Disk Disease of
the Spine. Since 2002 he is agreement professor of the School of Medicine and Surgery
at Florence University. He is in the editorial board of the “European Spine Journal”,
member of the editorial board of “Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences”, of “World
Neurosurgery”, of “Asian Spine Journal”, of the “World Spine Column Journal” and of
the “Journal of Spinal Surgery”. He is also corresponding member of the Society of
South America Neurosurgical Societies, Honorary lifetime member of the Neuro Spinal
Surgeons Association of India, active member of the EANS (European Association
Neurosurgical Society), SINch (Italian Neurosurgical Society), GIS (Italia Spine Society),
Eurospine (European Spine Society) and NASS (North American Spine Society). From
December 1st, 2015 moved the surgical activity from Florence to the “Tuscany Surgical
Hospital” inArezzowhere istheHeadoftheSpineSurgeryActivity.FromDecember2016
“Guest Professor” by the first Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang ChineseMedical University.