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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
November 26-27, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Spine and Spine Disorders
Addiction Research and Therapy
3rd International Conference on
International Conference on
Joint Event
Women who inject drugs: Investigate the barriers accessing the harm reduction services and
evaluation of services from the perspective of the women who inject drugs
Ketevan Sikharulidze
Ilia State University, Georgia
Stigmatization, vulnerability and high risk for spreading of
blood bore infections, this are the least outcomes for people
injecting drugs. In 2014, the study in Georgia for estimation of
size of Injecting Drug Users (IDU) showed that the number of
IDUs made up 49,700 individuals - (49,208 – 50,192) for the
general population. We don’t know the exact number ofWWID.
No female-oriented drug treatment programs are available
in Georgia. As a result, females constitute only about 1-4% of
the barriers accessing the harm reduction services for WWID
their needs and gaps to help them access the existing services.
We conducted individual qualitative interviews and
focus groups discussions with Georgian WWID in order to
characterize need, treatment or service satisfaction. 2 focus
groups and14 in-depth interviews in6different cities ofGeorgia.
All interviews and focus group discussions were voice-recorded,
transcribed and analyzedwith thequalitative softwareNvivo11.
Results showed that WWID are one of the most
vulnerable and most stigmatized groups in Georgia. Factors
that infringe on WWID’ rights and reduce their access to health
care include punitive policies, discrimination by police, health
care providers and by their peer male drug users. The intense
social stigma attached to drug use by women, an absence of
sexual and reproductive health services and general poor
access to effective drug treatment. Conclusions: Study shows
the necessity for women-oriented harm reduction services.
Specific treatment and consultation centers are required
for high risk pregnant women. Spreading positive massages
throughout society to reduce stigma is vital Improve referral
system for harm reduction facilities. Improve geographical and
financial arability. It is crucial to implement comprehensive
harm reduction interventions in women’s prisons.