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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
September 03-04, 2019 | London, UK
Spine and Spinal Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
Philosophy and strategy in the Surgical Treatment of ASI
Pier Paolo Mura, Silvia Casula, Maurizio Piredda, Luisanna Gambula
Francesca M Meloni
University of Vertebral Surgery and Scoliosis Center, Italy
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis surgery has been
going on for many decades. Our operating series began
in 1992 and has continued over the years with a certain
numerical constancy, up to now, having operated some
hundreds of patients.
The aim of surgery of severe adolescent
idiopathic scoliosis is to rebalance the spine, stabilizing
the correction obtained to avoid further aggravation of the
Since 2012we use a prosthetic systemassociated
with a philosophy of correction. We have always modeled
the bar on the sagittal plane and corrected the scoliosis by
translation, then performing a real direct derotation.
We have associated compression and distraction maneuvers
in the selected cases. We have carried out systems rich in
instrumentation, in general, screws and we have connected
them with Cobalt Chrome bars.
The results are good in terms of correction and
therefore rebalancing of the rachis and therefore of the
shoulders and pelvis, maintenance of the correction
obtained and also a discrete reduction of the hump.
We have not been free from short- and medium-term
The aim is to rebalance the spine and stabilize
it in the arthrodesis area to avoid its development. They
say that after one year from this surgery the patient can
perform a gymnastic activity, even in a competitive nature.
Speaker Biography
Pier Paolo Mura has completed his Specialization in Orthopedcs and
Traumatology from the University of Cagliari, Italy at the age of 35 years.
He is Team manager of Spinal Surgery Unit and Scoliosis Center Policlinico
Sant'Elena, Kinetika Sardegna Gruppo Korian, Quartu Sant'Elena, Italy.
Surgical treatment of spinal diseases, with particular reference to
degenerative diseases and deformities 6000 operations carried out as
an editorial board member of reputed Journals.