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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
September 03-04, 2019 | London, UK
Spine and Spinal Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
Anatomic assessment of variations in Kambin’s Triangle: A Surgical and Cadaver study
Ali Fahir Ozer
Koc University School of Medicine, Turkey
he relationship of exiting root and Kambin’s triangle
is discussed in this article. Transforaminal endoscopic
surgery as the gold standard of less invasive lumbar
disc surgeries is performed through Kambin’s triangle.
Existing root damage is one of the most important
complication for this type of surgery. Anatomic variations
in Kambin’s triangle may be the main reason for nerve
root damage during endoscopic lumbar disc surgery.
Kambin’s triangle was investigated with surgical views
and cadaver studies. Thirty-four patients with far lateral
disc herniation were treated with an extraforaminal
approach under the microscope. On the other hand, 48
Kambin’s triangles were dissected on 8 cadavers. Three
main types of triangle were identified, and patients
were grouped according to these 3 types of the triangle.
Only 6 of the 34 patients had type 3 triangles, which is the
wide classical triangle described by Kambin; however, 17
patients had type2,withanarrowspace in the triangle, and11
patients had type 1, with no space inside the triangle. Cadaver
results were similar; only 10 of the 48 specimens had the type
3 classical triangle, whereas 23 specimens had type 2, and 15
ornospace in82.4%ofthepatientsand79.2%ofthecadavers.
be exist in some patients. Therefore, more caremust be taken
Speaker Biography
Ali Fahir Ozer is currently working as a Neurosurgeon and academic
staff at the Koc University, Department of Neurosurgery, and at the VKV
American Hospital (Istanbul, Turkey). His Clinical interest focuses on
spine surgery. Dr. Ozer’s research focuses on biomechanics Of spine, and
dynamic stabilization of spine. He has authored or co‐authored well over
70 papers. He is the member of advisory board and reviewer of many
scientific journals. Currently, he is a member of TNS, ISAS, NASS, AOSpine,
and Eurospine.