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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
September 03-04, 2019 | London, UK
Spine and Spinal Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
Microelectrode recording and deep Brain stimulation
Amal Mokeem
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research center, Saudi Arabia
Microelectrode recording (MER) Defined as
Neurophysiological Technique that detect and amplifies the
activity of Individual Single Neural Units.
Mechanism of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS):
*HFS suppresses the activity of STN, STN neurons discharge
spontaneously at a frequency of ~ 20 Hz.
*PD they became hyperactive with an average firing ~ 40Hz.
*DBS HFS at >100Hz, STN will increase firing during the
initial stimulation period after which they will fail to respond
secondary to inactivation of Na+ channels, result in synaptic
*This stimulation induced activation of inhibitory presynaptic
terminals result reduction of pathologic activity and its
transmission, and subsequent improvement in information
processing high likely responsible for amelioration of motor
symptoms during DBS
•The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved DBS as
a treatment for:
•Essential tremor in 1999
•Parkinson's disease in 2002
•Dystonia in 2003
Patients selection criteria is important.
A number of stimulation techniques may be performed
during movement disorder surgery. Used either:
*To asses’ side effect (proximity to structures wish to avoid)
*To assess the potential clinical effect of chronic stimulation.
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is safe procedure.
It is safety Greatly depend on:
• The quality of the instruments.
• The method of stereotactic planning.
• The experience of the surgical and neurophysiology
Complication of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) could be
Numbness, tingling, Symptomatic subdural hemorrhages,
Infection, Hardware issues.
Speaker Biography
Amal Mokeem is a Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist in the
department of Neurosciences at King Faisal Specialist Hospital/
Riyadh. Assistant professor al AL-Faisal University.Program Director of
Clinical Neurophysiology fellowship program and technologist training
program. She is honored to be the First Saudi Neurophysiologist
physician experienced in the field of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and
intraoperative microelectrode recording (MER) in the Kingdom of Saudi