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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
September 03-04, 2019 | London, UK
Spine and Spinal Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
Spinal Benign Tumors treated by full Endoscopy
Marcio R R da Cunha
Trauma Centre, Brazil
ercutaneous endoscopic technique has been used to
treat disk herniation and spinal stenosis, so far we have
very few reports to treat benign spinal tumors treated by
this minimally invasive treatment. We would like to present
some cases of lumbar benign spinal tumors removed by
full endoscopic interlaminar approach. We´ve described 04
cases of benign lumbar spinal tumors, that were treated by
full endoscopy in a period of two years. The patients had no
major neurological signals, only back pain associated or not
with radicular symptoms. The M.R.I demonstrated small
lesions in the lumbar field measuring from 1,0 cm to 4,0 cm.
We've performed all the procedures with a single skin incision
less than o8 mm, placing the working canula between the
interlaminar bone window, according to the level related
to the lesion , making a enlargement under assistance of
diamondburr toexpose the ligamentumflavumfromthebase
to the tip of the ascending facet to make a good exposition of
the surgical area. After opening the ligamentun flavum, the
tumors were totally removed piecemeal under endoscopic
guidance. The procedure lasted less than three hours
with no support in intensive care unit and the pathological
examination confirmed: 01 case of angiolipoma, 02 cases of
Schwannoma and one case of neurinoma. All the patients had
a hospital discharge less than twelve hours after the surgical
procedure with no neurological signs and using minor pain
killer to control the back pain. After one week he could return
to his work under the support of physiotherapy rehabilitation.
Even though we don´t have so much papers about this
surgical practice, we think that is a feasible treatment
bringing all the benefits of the minimally invasive approach
pointed in many papers. Off course is necessary to develop
more proper endoscopic tools to accelerate the surgical time.