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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
September 03-04, 2019 | London, UK
Spine and Spinal Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
Indirect technique and elderly care: Applications in Manual Therapy
Minos Thomas Gordy
Spinal Unwinding, USA
here are a number of converging issues that will reach
crisis levels in the near future. The world’s population
is aging virtually every country in the world is experiencing
growth in the number and proportion of older persons in their
population. An aging populace also predetermines that an
accompanying issuewill be a lack of people to care for the old.
Meanwhile, automation in many industries is reducing the
overall number of jobs available. Alongside these issues
is the opioid crisis with its strong ties into spinal health.
For the old and elderly, spinal issues are the norm and
increase with age. Many current spinal treatments including
common surgeries simply do not work well with the elderly
and have a corresponding loss of effectiveness with age.
Currently, there are very few available alternative spinal
treatments for the old that retain their efficacy in application.
This paints a bleak picture of an aging future population
over-reliant on medication, and ultimately, costly surgical
interventions with high rates of failure. Indirect technique,
aka: “unwinding” is a gentle manual technique that is best
applied particularly and comprehensively to joint space,
particularly at the spine and ribcage. The focus on joint
space rather than soft tissue/muscle/fascial manipulation,
as is the norm in current manual therapy, makes the
technique much more suitable for the old and elderly.
“Indirect Technique” simply stated, means that rather than
pushing a bone into place, the space for it or the “path of
least resistance” is specifically created where the practitioner
intends for the bone to move. Performed in a comprehensive
fashion, this allows for gentle and gradual spinal manipulation
that ultimately may decompress neural pathways and
aid in the balance and flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),
with its many positive implications on overall health.