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Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume: 03
International Conference on
November 21-22, 2019 | Singapore
Joint event on
iodegradable metals have been suggested for
bone scaffold applications due to their mechanical
properties that are better for load bearing applications.
Among biodegradable metals, magnesium and its alloy are
the most investigated materials due to their mechanical
properties which are closer to the cancellous bone. The aim
of this research is to analyse the degradation behaviour of
porous magnesium under dynamic degradation test for
bone scaffold applications. Interconnected holes of porous
magnesium have been developed with various percentages
of porosity (30%, 41% and 55%). Dynamic immersion test
rigs are specifically designed to simulate environment
of human cancellous bone. There are two types of tests
that have been conducted in this study: (1) fluid flow with
different flowrates and (2) fluid flow integrated cyclic
loading. A dynamic immersion test has been conducted for
24, 48 and 72 hours. The results showed that the specimen
with a higher percentage of porosity as well as the exposed
surface area degrades faster compared to the others. The
effects of different flow rates towards the mechanical
integrity of porous magnesium have shown a huge drop
of 95% from their original mechanical properties within 3
days, which have deteriorated in both functions; porosity
and degradation time. The variation in flowrates used
showed that degradation of the material is seven times
higher compared to the static immersion test environment.
Furthermore, the influenced of integrating fluid flow
and cyclic loading have increased the relative weight
loss and degradation rate as high as 61.56% and 93.67%,
respectively. Additionally, the mechanical properties have
improved and increased from 53% to 87% as compared to
dynamic immersion test using the mechanical stimulus of
fluid flow only. Therefore, the dynamic immersion test with
integrated cyclic loading was more reliable compared to
static immersion test for bone scaffold application.
Ardiyansyah Syahrom is Associate Professor at school of Mechanical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM.
Presently, he is the director of Medical Devices and Technology Centre
(MEDiTEC), Institute Human Centred Engineeing (iHumEn). He is by
profession a Mechanical Engineer with special interest in Biomechanics,
Bone, Biomaterials and Sports Engineering. His previous administrative
duties also include the Director of Sports Innovation and Technology
Centre (SITC). He has published in reputed Journals and supervises many
post-doctoral, doctoral and other post-graduate as well as undergraduate
students. He sits in Innovation section in Malaysia Medical Devices
Authority (MDA) committees, a member of many international societies, a
reviewer to a number of academic journals and is the editor of the Jurnal
ardi@utm.myArdiyansyah Syahrom
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Biomimetic degradable porous scaffold for trabecular bone interlog
Mater Sci Nanotechnol, Volume: 03