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Journal of Public Health and Nutrition | Volume 2
July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France
International Conference and Exhibition on
World Congress on
Probiotics, Nutrition and Functional Foods
Pediatrics and Nutrition
Joint Event
Two-dimensional cultured intestinal stem-cell derived organoids as a model to test
nutritional compounds for intestinal health
Laura M’Rabet, Stefan Vaessen, Jean Paul Ten Klooster, Saertje Verkoeijen, Annemarie Stam, Nikkie van der
Wielen, Jocelijn Meijerink, Renger Witkamp, Cyrille Krul
Raymond Pieters
University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
e developed a two-dimensional (2D) intestinal
stem cell-derived organoid model with both crypt
and differentiated villus cells (enterocytes, goblet cells
and enteroendocrine cells) to study safety and efficacy of
compounds. Organoids were grown from duodenal, jejunal
and ileal tissue. We show that these 2D organoid cultures
maintain location-specific gene expression and responses,
e.g. that the artificial sweetener rebaudioside A (derived
from Stevia) stimulates production of GLP1 specifically
by ileal enteroendocrine cells. Furthermore, we grow 2D
intestinal organoid cultures in transwell format to confluent
monolayers with build-up of electrical resistance, low FD4
leakage and responsiveness to cytokines. Our data indicates
that our 2D intestinal organoid model allows studying effects
of compounds beyond possibilities with standard epithelial
cell lines. We are currently exploring this culture method to
investigate effects of other nutritional compounds on the
intestinal uptake and mucin production.