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November 13-14, 2017 Paris, France
International Conference on
Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry
Volume 1, Issue 2
Plasma Chemistry 2017
Glow discharge plasma brazing of Ti-45Al-
2Nb-2Mn-1B titanium aluminide with Ti-Ni-Cu
Ahmad Reza Rastkar
Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
iAl intermetallics are considered as promising materials
for high-temperature application especially in advanced
automobile and aero engine components because of their low
density and high melting temperature and high-temperature
strength. Practical application of γ-TiAl alloys depends on
the proper joining of these alloys as a key factor in aircraft
and automobile technology. It has been reported that sound
joints could be achieved by solid-state diffusion bonding and
reaction-assisted diffusion bonding. A pulsed DC plasma in
the highest amperage range of glow discharge was employed
to join the parts of Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn-1B titanium aluminide
at 900° C for 15 min at 10 mbar pressure with Ti-Ni-Cu (wt.%)
alloys. The glow discharge surrounded the whole volume
of the joint assembly and the brazing was performed like
conventional furnace heating. The cross-section of the joints
was analyzed by using optical and SEMmicroscopy, EDX and
XRD spectroscopy and microhardness and shear fracture
tests. Microscopy of the joints showed a different irregular
type of particles in the interfacial regions with a chemical
composition of Ti2AlNi, TiAlNi and NiAl3 enriched with Cu
and Mn in matrices composed of TiAl, Ti3Al, and TiAl3. The
microhardness of the interfacial regions was approximately
slightly harder than the base metal and a good matching was
observed between the joint and the base metals. Cracking
was not observed in the joints. The maximum shear strength
of the joints was approximately 400 MPa for the specimen
brazed with Ti-30% Ni filler metal in comparison with the
base metal with the strength of 500 MPa. Biot Phyt 2017