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November 13-14, 2017 Paris, France
International Conference on
Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry
Volume 1, Issue 2
Plasma Chemistry 2017
Energy and environment: plasma processes
for decarbonization
P I John
Institute for Plasma Research, India
t is obvious that our energy resources for the foreseeable
future will continue to be based on fossil-derived
hydrocarbon fuels. CO2 emissions associated with fossil
fuel burning and correlated to global warming trends
have many negative consequences across the globe. In the
climate challenge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by
decarbonisation, Plasma based techniques are emerging to
play a significant role. Coal gasification using steam plasma
at ultra-high temperatures (T>1200K) can increase the
proportion of lighter hydrocarbons. Methane dissociation
to remove the carbon content requires energy input in the
form of high-temperature (>1200◦ C) may benefit from the
use of plasma catalysts. Direct conversion of methane to solid
carbon using AC plasma torches has been recently successful.
Plasmolysis of CO2 to useful products is another very active
area of research as many ideas are being pursued. Vibrational
excitation is the most effective means for CO2 dissociation
because the process requires the least amount of energy.
Tailored plasmas to achieve this is a challenge. Another
method for CO2 conversion is the partial oxidation reaction
which results in the production of hydrogen and solid poly
carbon sub-oxide. The concepts of 'Solar Fuels' to produce
Carbon neutral energy and the ingenious combination of
electricity and gas grids for energy storage may lead to totally
carbon neutral fuel systems.
john.pucadyil@gmail.comJ Biot Phyt 2017