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April 15-16, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Applied Physics & Laser, Optics and Photonics
International Conference on
Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume: 3
How an artificial Kerr-Newman black hole can release gravitational waves?
Andrew Walcott Beckwith
Chongqing University, China
e initiate a model of an artificially induced
Kerr-Newman black Holes, with specific
angular momentum J, and then from there
model was to what would happen as to an
effective charge, Q, creating an E and B field,
commensurate with the release of GWs. The idea
is that using a frame of reference trick, plus E + i B
= - function of the derivative of a complex valued
scalar field, as given by Appell, in 1887, and
reviewed by Whittaker and Watson, 1927 of their
“A Course of Modern Analysis” tome that a first
principle identification of a B field, commensurate
with increase of thermal temperature, T, so as to
have artificially induced GW production. This is
compared in part with the Park 1955 paper of a
spinning rod, producing GW, with the proviso that
both the spinning rod paper, and this artificial
Kerr-Newman Black hole will employ the idea of
lasers in implementation of their respective GW
radiation. The idea is in part partly similar to an
idea the author discussed with Dr. Robert Baker,
in 2016 with the difference that a B field would be
generated and linked to effects linkedwith induced
spin to the Kerr - Newman Black hole. We close
with some observations about the “black holes
have no hair” theorem, and our problem. Citing
some recent suppositions that this “theorem”
may not be completely true and how that may
relate to our experimental situation. We close
with observations from Haijicek, 2008 as which
may be pertinent to Quantization of Gravity.