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July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France
Pharmaceutics and Advanced Drug Delivery Systems
International Conference and Exhibition on
Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ISSN:2249-622X | Volume 9
Hormonal cascades of pregnancy: How drug delivery can regulate peri and post-par-
tum neurogenesis and emotional outcomes among women
Tabinda Hasan, Kavitha ganesh
Teseen Fatima
Princess Nourah University, KSA
umerous factors govern mood changes of pregnancy; like
changes, or shifting levels of estrogen, progesterone and
Oxytocin hormones. Ovarian hormones prepare the maternal
body for successful fertilization while placental hormones
facilitate maternal adaptations to ensure optimal fetal
development and maintain pregnancy; Changes in hormone
levels can significantly affect production of neurotransmitters
that regulate mood. Every woman responds to these changes
feel depressed or anxious. It has been generally observed that
second trimester, and reappears as the ‘due date’ approaches.
Prolactin stimulates nursing, Oxytocin is a ‘feel good hormone’
that stimulates maternal feelings of love and bonding for the
baby while sudden variations in ‘Progesterone- Estrogen levels’
during pregnancy and after delivery have been notoriously
linked to depression or anxiety. These hormone cascades are
regulated by positive & negative feed-back mechanisms. In
‘sudden termination of pregnancy’ events as well as ‘extended
breastfeeding’ or ‘abruptly ended breast feeding’; maternal
adaptations to changed hormone levels are insufficient and
extreme outbursts like self-harm and even harming of the
baby might occur. The maternal brain is remarkably plastic
and exhibits multifaceted neural modifications. Hormone
delivery mechanisms can facilitate affective neurogenesis
and development of cordial neural networks. Hence,
choosing and delivering ‘appropriate doses’ of ‘required
hormones’ along temporally coordinated mechanisms might
positively influence psycho-social and maternal and child
health outcomes. This review highlights peri-partum adult
neurogenes and associated mood changes with underlying
hormonal mechanisms. It also elucidates the functional
consequences of neurogenesis in the peripartum brain and
the extent to which this process might play a role in maternal
care, cognitive functions and postpartum mood. Finally,
the study examines and discusses the effects of hormone
dependent maternal neurogenesis on parenting styles.
Speaker Biography
University, India. She is an Assistant Professor at Princess Nora University,
Saudi Arabia. She has over 40 publications that have been cited over 200
times, and her publication H-index is 10 and she has been serving as an
editorial board member of several reputed journals.
drtabindahasan@gmail.comTabinda Hasan et al.
, Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci, | ISSN: 2249-622X
Volume 9