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Journal of Current Pediatric Research | Volume: 23
March 14-15, 2019 | London, UK
International Conference on
Pediatrics & Neonatal Healthcare
RI is an amazing technology for diagnosis, especially
for the central nervous system, but is yet under-used
for imaging neonates. This is mainly due to the problems of
transporting the neonate from the caring environment of the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to the MRI unit. This is often
a long journey in many hospitals and may even necessitate
an ambulance transfer, creating many logistical difficulties.
We have extensive experience of imaging neonates with MRI
units located within the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
The first system was a specialised low field (0.2T) MRI system
using a permanent magnet which featured safe operation
with low acoustic noise and specific absorption rate (SAR)
for radiofrequency. Over 1000 babies were safely scanned
using this system providing an initial diagnosis, often within
hours of birth, allowing improved prognosis and treatment
options to the neonatal clinicians and timely information for
the parents. The system was installed in a space of 2m x 1m
and only required a single mains outlet. However, the image
quality associated with low field imaging is not competitive
with the latest generation high field superconducting magnet
systems. To this end, we have worked extensively with the
MRI manufacturer GE Healthcare to develop a compact 3T
MRI system and a system has now been installed in the NICU
for over 2-years for clinical evaluation. Image quality and
operational issues associated with the two systems will be
contrasted and compared. In addition, initial concepts for a
new, cost-effective neonatal MRI system will be presented.
m.n.paley@sheffield.ac.ukComparing low field (Innervision) and high field (GE) dedicated Neonatal MRI systems
Martyn Paley
University of Sheffield, UK
Curr Pediatr Res, Volume 23
DOI: 10.4066/0971-9032-C1-012