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Journal of Current Pediatric Research | Volume: 23

March 14-15, 2019 | London, UK

International Conference on

Pediatrics & Neonatal Healthcare

Background: Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)

is a severe disease, and there’s no effective treatment for severe

HIE. In recent years, a large number of animal experiments

have confirmed that stem cell transplantation has shown great

potential in regenerative medicine, such as in the treatment

of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage (HIBD)[1]. The most widely

used are human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem

cells (UC-MSCs) and mononuclear cells from cord blood (CB-

MNCs) because of their ample availability[2, 3]. However, there

are still many problems on their applications, for instance, it is

unclear which types of cells is more effective for HIE? Methods:

HIBD was produced using Rice-Vannucci method postnatal day

7 (P7) rats[4]. Briefly, after a 30min rest, the rats were exposed

to a hypoxic environment of 8% at 37℃ for 2 hours. 24 hours

later, UC-MSCs and UCB-MNCs labeled with PKH26 and Hu-Nu

respectively were transplanted into the lateral ventricle of rats.

A control group underwent ligation of the left carotid artery

and hypoxia in the same manner,but received an equivalent

volume of PBS alone. The sham group underwent neither left

carotid artery ligation nor hypoxia. At 24 h after transplantation,

the number of apoptotic cells was detected by TUNEL. We

monitor the migration of transplanted cells, and the expression

of myelin basic protein (MBP) and glial fibrillary acidic protein

(GFAP) at 2 weeks post-transplantation respectively. The Morris

water maze was used to assess animal learning abilities at 3

weeks post-transplantation. Results: On the three day after

transplantation, UC-MSCs and CB-MNCs were mainly located

in cerebral cortex and corpus callosum around the hypoxic-

ischemic region of the ipsilateral hemisphere. However hardly

any labeled cells were found after 2weeks post-transplantation.

Treatment with UC-MSCs and CB-MNCs did not affect cortical

neuronal apoptosis, but was associated with reduced neuronal

apoptosis in the striatumon the second day after HIBD (P<0.05).

After 2 weeks post-transplantation, compared to the sham

group, levels of GFAP labeling in control groupwere upregulated

significantly in the cerebral cortex and striatum (P<0.05). CB-

MNCs inhibited up-regulation of GFAP in the striatum (P<0.05),

while UC-MSCs inhibited this in both the striatum (P<0.01) and

the cortex (P<0.05). When compared to the control group, MBP

expression levels in the CB-MNCs groupwere upregulated in the

cerebral cortex and corpus callosum (P<0.05). However, there

were no significant differences between the UC-MSCs group

and the control group (P>0.05). The rats in the transplanted

groups showed significant improvement in escape latency to

find the submerged platform than those of rats in the control

group (P<0.01), repeated measures ANOVA). In the probe trial,

control rats exhibited significant spatial memory deficits. A one-

way ANOVA revealed that the number of times animals crossed

the platform location decreased in the control and transplanted

groups belowshamgroup levels, though the transplanted group

animals crossed more than the control group animals (P<0.05).

Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences

between the transplanted groups across either stage of testing

(training trials or probe trial) (P>0.05). Conclusions: Both UC-

MSCs and CB-MNCs could have a beneficial effect on recovery

of neurological function in HIBD rats, although the possible

mechanisms may be different between the two groups. Our

data suggest that UC-MSCs and CB-MNCs could serve as a

potential approach for the treatment of neonatal HIE and

develop a guidance in clinical cellular therapeutics.


Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells and umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells improve neonatal rat

memory after hypoxia-ischemia

1Juan Chen, 1Jie Zhang, 1Yi Qu, 1Dezhi Mu, 2Chao Yang and 2Qiang Chen

1West China Second University Hospital Sichuan University Chengdu, China

2Sichuan Neo-life Stem Cell Biotech Inc., China

Curr Pediatr Res, Volume 23

DOI: 10.4066/0971-9032-C1-012