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Journal of Current Pediatric Research | Volume: 23
March 14-15, 2019 | London, UK
International Conference on
Pediatrics & Neonatal Healthcare
he admission of a baby on a neonatal intensive care unit
(NICU) is the start of a difficult period for parents. They are
overwhelmed by emotions, information and the high-tech
environment. Personalised information, communication,
individual support and parent-participation are important.
As a first phase of the development of a NeoParent mobile
application, parental needs/experiences in a NICU were
A descriptive qualitative approach was used conducting 11
semi-structured interviews. Inclusion criteria were a NICU-
admission <1 year ago, 18-year, Dutch-speaking. Interviews
were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. Thematic
analysis was performed to identify themes/patterns that
emerged in the narrative content using NVivo.
inge.tency@odisee.beMapping parental needs in a neonatal (intensive) care unit as first step to develop a NeoParent mobile
Inge Tency
Odisee University College, Belgium
Curr Pediatr Res, Volume 23
DOI: 10.4066/0971-9032-C1-012