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Journal of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | Volume 3

July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France

Pathology and Surgical Pathology



International Conference on

Histopathological pattern of endometrial pathology in AUB biography

Salaheldeen Ali Mohamed Ali

Society of Pathological Biochemistry and Hematology, Egypt


UB (abnormal uterine bleeding) is most common

presentation in women of any age group consulting

gynecologist. AUB refers to symptoms of excessive, scanty,

prolonged, cyclic, acyclic and unexpected regardless of their

cause. DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) is diagnosis of

exclusion; when there is no specific organic cause of AUB;

diagnosisofDUBisconsidered. Evaluationofhistopathological

pattern of endometrial pathology is important for early

diagnosis and appropriate management. Endometrial

sampling can be used as a safe and first diagnostic approach in

cases of AUB although interpretations are challenging for any

practicing pathologist. This study attempts to analyze atypical

uterine bleeding among women in the 40 50 age group.

Speaker Biography

Salaheldeen Ali Mohamed Ali is a consultant in medical analysis in society

of pathological biochemistry and hematology. He works in Medical

Laboratory Syndicate in Egypt. He is an expert in medical analysis.
