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April 17-18, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s & Movement Disorders
International Conference on
Journal of Brain and Neurology | Volume 3
Effects of biofeedback postural training on pre-existing low back pain in static-posture workers
Sehun Park
Mercy Sports Medicine, USA
any studies report a relationship between
poor static posture (SP) and low back pain
(LBP). The study examines the effects of a vibrational
feedback postural training program on pre-existing
LBP, spinal health benefits, level of physical activity,
workability. The researchers want to know if static
posture training with biofeedback can alleviate LBP.
Control group wore a pedometer and experimental
group wore a postural training device for three
weeks. Participant answered a pain scale survey
and had side-view pictures before and after the
intervention. LBP discomfort decreased between
the two groups. There was no statistical difference
in average steps between the two groups. Postural
training with biofeedback reduced the frequency
of having LBP, discomfort level of the pain, and lost
work time due to LBP. The study concludes that the
vibrational feedback from the device helps correct
poor SP. Also, increasing levels of physical activity
by registering more daily steps provided a positive
effect for decreasing frequency of LBP. However,
increased level of physical activity worsened
discomfort level of LBP and increased lost work time
in the control group.