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February 18-19, 2019 | Paris, France
Joint Event
Green Chemistry and Technology
World Congress on
International Conference on
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry| Volume: 3
ESIPT based hydroxy-aryl benzimidazoles/ schiff bases as Chromofluorescent sensor and logic devices
Vijay Luxami
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, India
roton transfer is very fundamental process, occurs in a large
variety of chemical reactions as well as in biological systems
such as acid-base neutralization and enzymatic reactions.
Excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) is one
studied experimentally and theoretically due to its applications
in molecular fluorescence probes, luminescent materials, UV
stabilizers, OLEDs andmolecular logic gates. Ingeneral, theESIPT
process requires hydrogen bond between proton donor (-OH,–
, or –NHR etc.) and proton acceptor groups (–C=O, –N= etc.),
ESIPT process depends upon the distance of hydrogen bonding
i.e. separation between the H-acceptor and donor atoms in
of system such as 5-membered, 6-membered or 7-membered.
In the present presentation, synthesis of various hydroxyl-aryl
benzimidazoles/schiff bases will be discussed for exploration
of ESIPT phenomenon. These moieties exhibited excited enol
and keto tautomeric emission bands. The presence of anions
and metal ions has been realized by prohibiting ESIPT through
coordination or deprotonation induced by metal and anions
with ESIPT centers, resulting in detectable spectral change.
Presence of substituent, extended conjugation on ESIPT centers
further affects the keto enol tautomerism and thus fine tunes
the emission channels. The stimuli induced bathochromic or
hypsochromic shift of these normal and ESIPT based emission
channels further open new emission channels and thus
provided opportunity for simultaneous sensing of multiple
analytes, biological interactions, miniaturization of logic gates.
Speaker Biography
Vijay Luxami has completed her PhD from Guru Nanak Dev University, USA. She is
the associate professor of Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, India. She
is working on synthesis and organic compounds and supramolecular chemistry.
She has more than 60 publications in reputed referred journals and has publication
H-index is 18 and has been serving as reviewers’ member of reputed Journals.
vluxami@thapar.eduVijay Luxami
, J Ind Environ Chem 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-008