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February 18-19, 2019 | Paris, France
Joint Event
Green Chemistry and Technology
World Congress on
International Conference on
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry| Volume: 3
An unprecedented exocyclic n-acyliminium ion (nai) cyclization: Access to fully substituted oxazoles
and furocoumarins
Venkata Nagarjuna Babu
Indian Institute of Technology, India
-acyliminium ions (NAIs) are well recognized as potent or
highly reactive intermediates in C-C and C-heteroatom
bond forming reactions, and extensively explored for the
synthesis of diverse natural-products and bioactive molecules
due to their highly electrophilic nature. Chemists have
developed N-acyl iminium ion based biomimetic approaches
for the synthesis of various alkaloids inspired by nature’s
design principles. The development of a direct route to access
NAI precursors and their further transformations toward
diverse scaffolds in single pot is a daunting challenge. The
reason is the formation of NAI ion species prerequisite is a
good leaving group at the α-position to the nitrogen atom. In
order to bring leaving groups at desired position in substrates
involves multistep syntheses and which are highly difficult
to operate in single pot. These challenges led us to examine
a direct synthetic route to access NAI precursors and their
further efficient transformations through a cascade process.
Herein, we report a novel super-acid-promoted tandem
cyclization strategy to synthesize diversified fully substituted
Oxazoles and Furocoumarins from readily available starting
materials via insituly generated exocyclic NAI precursor in
one pot. The key step in this transformation involves insitu
generation of N-acyliminium ion (NAI) precursor under catalyst
and solvent-free conditions, and their further transformations
promoted by superacid in the same pot. We have also
presented the experimental evidence for the involvement of
proto-solvated novel exocyclic N-acyliminium ion. Further,
we have examined the photophysical properties of some of
the synthesized Furocoumarins and Pyrid-oxazole derivatives.
The important features of the present protocol are
transition-metal free, robust, H
O as sole byproduct, and
cleaner reaction profile, and practical method for the
synthesis of diverse fused Oxazole’s and Furocoumarins.
Speaker Biography
(B.Sc.), in2009andmaster’sdegree
(M.Sc.) in Organic Chemistry from Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, in 2011.
Then he worked as a Lecturer on contract basis in Narendra Degree & PG College, Armoor,
Telangana in 2012 to 2013. After securing CSIR-UGC-JRF (2013), he joined the research
group of Dr. Sharada’s Catalysis and Chemical Biology Lab in the Department of Chemistry
as a Doctoral Fellow at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH), in Jan-2014. He has
publications on the topic of organo-iodine reagents promoted C-H functionalization, acid
catalysed cyclization’s and catalyst-free & solvent-free sustainable organic transformations.
nag8289@gmail.comVenkata Nagarjuna Babu, J Ind Environ Chem 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-009