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Volume 2

June 11-13, 2018 | London, UK

Neurology and Neuroscience



International Conference on

Cuprisone-dependent reactive changers of Central Nervous System in the mice and their Improvement

by Cytokine

Nataliia O Melnyk, Irina F Labunets, Anzhela E Rodnichenko, Svitlana Yu Rymar


Nataliia A Utko

National O O Bogomolets Medical University, Ukraine


n this experimental work aimed at investigation of

morphological changers in organs of central nervous system

(CNS) and neuroprotective effects of recombinant human

leukemia inhibitory factor (rhLIF) on mice of different ages with

cuprizonemodel of


the 129/Svmice at 3-5 and

16-17months of age, we assessedmotor andemotional activity,

brain antioxidant enzymes, T-lymphocytes and macrophages.

After staining of histological sections of the brain and spinal

cord in toluidin blue, we determined the percentage of neurons

with unmodified, moderate and severe structural changes. We

studied changers of nervous fibers of organs of CNS after used

methods of electron microscopy and morphometry. Cuprizone

was provide daily for 3 weeks. RhLIF was injected after 7-days

cuprizone diet, one administration daily, 50 μg/kg. Cuprizone

decreased the amounts of crossed squares and faecal boluses

in the mice of both age groups. RhLIF restored emotional

activity in thesemice, but more in youngmice. In the cuprizone-

treated mice of both age groups, the percentage of neurons

with severe changes in the brain and spinal cord was increased

and rhLIF the amounts of neurons with destructive changes

were reduced, being less pronounced in aged mice. In the brain

of cuprizone-treated mice of both age groups, the activity of

catalase and glutathione peroxidase inhibits. The percentage

of T-lymphocytes and active macrophages was increased in

cuprizone-treatedmice of both age groups. Decrease of amount

and activity of macrophages after injections of the rhLIF was

observed. LIF may be a perspective neuroprotective drug.

Speaker Biography

Nataliia O Melnyk is the Professor of the Histology and Embryology Department of

National O.O.Bogomolets Medical University, the Leading Research Scientist of the

Experimental Modeling Laboratory at the State Institute of Genetic and Regenerative

Medicine National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv. Graduated

from Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University in 1993, after an assignment she

worked as an engineer in the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics. During

2008- 2011, she worked as Deputy Head of the Department of Education and

Methodology of the National O.O.Bogomolets Medical University. She has more

than 270 scientific and methodological works, 5 patents of scientific research.
