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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
November 04-05, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
Folic acid deficiency in Periconceptual period is still major cause of Meningomyelocele
in rural areas of western UP
Sanjay Sharma
Meningomyelocele is congenital defect and most common
neural tube closure defect having high rate of morbidity and
disability in children. Its global prevalence is 0.8–1 per 1,000
live births. 80% of Meningomyelocele children may have
Hydrocephalus. This study aims to evaluate the clinical profile
and use of folic acid in periconceptual period by mothers in
rural areas of western U.P., and outcome of children with
admitted in SVBP Hospital, Meerut and in private hospitals of
nearby areas between August 2015 to December 2018, were
analysed prospectively. The data regarding clinical profilewith
associated congenital anomalies and supplementation of folic
acid by mother in periconceptual period and post-surgical
disabilities were obtained by questionnaire-interview with
the parents. Drug history pertaining to drugs causing folic acid
deficiency was unavailable as most of the patients belonged
to low socio-economic strata and were illiterate. MRI was the
essential investigation in all patients.
Mean age of presentation was 9.1 months. M:F
ratio is 1.1:1. Lumbosacral region was involved in 73.5%.
Hydrocephalus was in (63.71%, n=144) 92% had No folic acid
supplementation & all belonged to socioeconomic status.
Excision & repair of Meningomyelocele was performed
(80% n=180), dural patch was used in 8.35%(n=15).and
20% unoperated. Out of180 operated patients 80%(n=144)
improved & were discharged, and 6.6%(n=12) expired,
13.35%(n=24) left against medical advice (LAMA).
Low socioeconomic status & no maternal
supplementation of folic acid in periconceptual period
are the important risk factors for the development of
Meningomyelocele. Timely intervention with excision and
repair gives good result. Dural patch and modified z-plasty can
be used to cover large defects.
Speaker Biography
Sanjay Sharma has done his graduation and masters in surgery from
LLRM Medical College Meerut. Thereafter he did a senior residency in
cardiology from GB Pant Hospital and senior residency in Neurosurgery
from Safdarjung Hospital Delhi whence he decided to become a
Neurosurgeon and cracked the entrance examination. He did M Ch
in Neurosurgery from KGMC Lucknow. Currently he is working as
an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurosurgery of LLRM
Medical College and running CNS Hospital, a hospital dedicated to
Neuroscience. He has presented quite a few papers in National and
International conferences. He is the founder member of Meerut
Neuroclub. He has served the U.P. Neurocon Society as a secretary, vice
president and have been the president for 2018-2019. He is a lifetime
member of the Neurological Society of India i.e. NSI, a life member of
the Spinal Society of India, a life member of Neuro Trauma Society of
India, a life member of IMA, Vista member of Congress of Neurological
Surgeons USA. He has been awarded the Meerut Ratan award, Bharat
Jyoti award in 2008 and Health ICON award for consecutively two years
i.e. in 2018 and 2019..