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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
November 04-05, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
Aspergillus sinusitis complicated with Meningitis and Multiple Cerebral Infarctions in
Immunocompetent patient
Fahad Salih Algreeshah
Specialized Medical Center, Saudi Arabia
e present this case who is a 33-year-old male
complaining of severe headache, neck pain,
photophobia, vomiting and high-grade fever of several
days. He had history of nasal polyp removal and recurrent
sinusitis in the last 8 years. On examination: conscious with
glasco coma scale (GCS) 15/15 and normal limbs strength
but with positive Babinski sign. For further observation,
he was admitted and full work-up was done. Even though
full empirical antibiotics were started, there was no
immediate improvement and he deteriorated dramatically
developing ocular deficit, hydrocephalus and lower
level of consciousness with multiple infarctions found at
different areas in brain. After that point, a decompressive
craniectomy was done, and multiple antibiotics and
antifungal medications were prescribed. However, he
deteriorated to GCS 3/15; cardiopulmonary resuscitations
were not successful, as he demised next day. It shall be
noted that aspergillosis can lead to difficult complications,
so diagnosis and treatments should not be delayed.
Speaker Biography
Fahad Salih Algreeshah, MD is a consultant at SpecializedMedical Centre in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He graduated fromKing SaudMedical school in 1998.
He became Board certified in Neurology 2005. His interest is Headache
and Epilepsy. He did fellowship in epilepsy 2013 from TGH., Tampa. and
certified with ABCN in epilepsy monitoring. He had several publications in
Epilepsy and Epilepsy monitoring. He was awarded as the best trainee for
two consecutive years during training. He worked with groups to establish
SAEDMS which is a MS charity organization.