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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume: 3
March 20-21, 2019 | London, UK
Materials Science and Materials Chemistry
International Conference on
Global crisis/sustainability technologies - in actuator/piezoelectric devices
Kenji Uchino
The Penn State University, USA
here are four factors that have influences on engineering:
Social/culture/religion, Technology/science, Economics, and
Politics/law. The strengthof the impact of these factors becomes
different according to history. Alchemy of the 16th century is an
example of “Socio-Engineering”. From the Christian doctrine,
“Heliocentricmodel” was denied, but “alchemy” was approved.
were solved from the spell of religion and engineering based
on science and technology, so-called “Techno-Engineering”
is respected instead. In the 18
centuries, technologies
for mass production at low manufacturing cost were required
and “Econo-Engineering” became mainstream to enhance
national strength. The intention of increasing national wealth
and military strength increased friction and that led to the First
and Second World War in the 20
century. Engineering of this
period is mainly government-led production of war weapons,
and it was a beginning of “Politico-Engineering”. After the wars,
mass production technologies for the reconstruction/recovery
revived, but when the 21
century began, as a consequent
result, environmental degradation, resource depletion, and
food famine have become major problems. Global regulations
are strongly called, and the government-initiated technology
(“politico-engineering”) has become important again in order
to overcome the regulations. Politico-Engineering covers (1)
legally-regulated normal technologies such as sustainability,
and (2) crisis technologies.
Speaker Biography
Kenji Uchino a pioneer in piezoelectric actuators, is Director of International Center
for Actuators and Transducers. He is also the founder and Senior VP & CTO of Micro-
mechatronics, Inc. Prior to joining Penn State in 1991, he was a Research Associate in
the physical electronics department at Tokyo Institute of Technology. He joined Sophia
University, Japan, as an Associate Professor in physics in 1985. He was also involved with
Space Shuttle Utilizing Committee in NASDA, Japan, and Vice President of NF Electronic
Instruments, USA. He is the Chair of Smart Actuator/Sensor Study Committee sponsored by
JapaneseMITI. Hewas the associate editor for Journal of Advanced PerformanceMaterials,
J. Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures, and Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. He
has authored 550 papers, 54 books and 26 patents in the ceramic actuator area.