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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume: 3
March 20-21, 2019 | London, UK
Materials Science and Materials Chemistry
International Conference on
Room temperature p-orbital magnetism in monoatomic carbon chains
Wong Chi Ho,
E A Buntov,
A F Zatsepin,
J Lyu,
R Lortz,
D A Zatsepin,
M B Guseva
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Ural Federal University, Russia
he study of magnetism without the involvement of
the next generation spintronic devices. Various recent reports
claim that optimizing the occupation number of the mixed
p-orbitals is the optimistic way to strengthen the p-orbital
magnetism in bulk crystals. We prove experimentally that
the kinked monoatomic carbon chains, the so-called linear-
chained carbon, allows intrinsic ferromagnetism even above
room temperature. According to our ab initio calculations,
unconventional magnetism is credited from the p-shells.
In contrast, the linear monoatomic carbon chains are non-
magnetic. Although the optimized differential spin density of
states at the Fermi level (SDOS) of the kinked carbon chains
is larger than that of bulk Fe, the magnetic moment is as
weak as 0.3μB. In order to reinforce the magnetic response,
we tune the p-orbital magnetism by introducing dopants
from groups IV to VII of the periodic table. Our best system,
the arsenic-doped carbon chain, generates a strong local
magnetic moment of 1.5μB, which is comparable to that of
the bulk Fe of 2.2μB, with the mean exchange–correlation
energy reaching a 63% ratio in comparison to bulk Fe.
Speaker Biography
Wong Chi Ho studied bachelor program in Department of Applied Physics in the Hong
Kong Polytechnic University from 2009 to 2011. In 2010, he went to United Kingdom
as a research trainee (particle physics) in Lancaster University. In 2011, he obtained full
PhD scholarship from Hong Kong. In 2015, he has completed his PhD degree in the field
of experimental and computational superconductivity at the age of 28 years from Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology. In 2016, he was a postdoctoral researcher in
Ural Federal University in Russia. Nowhe returns to Hong Kong to serves as postdoctoral
researcher inHongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology.Heregisteredtwopatents
in China Patent Office and published many high-impacted journals such as ACS Nano.