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February 25-26, 2019 | Paris, France
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference on
Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 3
elf-assembly comprises the bottom up techniques whereby
mostly small objects (fromatoms tomicroparticles) organize
into larger architectures. Among those colloidal techniques are
optimal for the fabrication of optical functionality structures like
photonic crystals and photonic glasses. Complemented with
templating, these techniques show immense potential since,
further to the possibilities in morphologies reachable; they
expand through the materials available.
One of the most relevant features of these systems, directly
related with their photonic functionality is order. Order is a
crucial ingredient for complexity,which turns a crucial ingredient
for functionality.
In this presentation, some of the most relevant aspects
of selfassembly and templating techniques paying special
attention to the role of order; how to combat, create or control
it and how to put it to use to obtain photonic functionalities
have been reviewed.
Speaker Biography
Cefe López completed his PhD at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
Currently he heads a group
( the Materials Science Institute in Madrid
that accumulates more than twenty years’ experience in photonic materials. His work
covers materials synthesis and optical properties with special emphasis in order and
disorder and its impact in photonic properties of materials. His 150 publications have
been cited over eight thousand times and has been serving as an editorial board
member of reputed journals.
c.lopez@csic.esCefe López
Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, Spain
Self assembled materials for photonic applications