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April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Food Science and Technology
International Conference on
Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | Volume: 3
ISSN: 2591-796X
Gastrointestinal viability and stability of free (un-encapsulated) and
encapsulated Probiotic Bacteria
Muhammad Afzaal
Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan
he viability of probiotic is the major concern
for getting numerous claimed therapeutic
benefits. The viability of probiotic is affected
when they are encountered to hostile conditions
of gastrointestinal tract. In present study,
probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus)
were encapsulated with two biopolymer (Sodium
alginate and Carrageenan) using encapsulator
(B-390). The formed beads were characterized
by optical, Scanning electron microscopy
(SEM),FTIR & XRD. The invitro gastrointestinal
assay was carried out by subjecting non-
encapsulated and encapsulated probiotics to
simulated gastrointestinal juices. Encapsulated
probiotics showed more resistance to simulated
gastrointestinal condition than un encapsulated.
The initial cell count of probiotics encapsulated
with sodium alginate and carrageenan was
10.4 log CFU and 10.6 log CFU respectively and
decreased to 6.8 log CFU and 6.3 log CFU during
incubation to simulated gastric conditions over
120 minutes. While for unencapsulated cells the
number decreased from initial 10.3 log CFU to
2.1 log CFU. In case of encapsulated only 3 log
while for free cells 8 log reduction in cells was
observed Similarly, during exposure to simulated
intestinal conditions the initial cell count of
probiotics encapsulated with sodium alginate
and carrageenan was 11.5 log CFU and 11.4
log CFU respectively and decreased to 8.4 log
CFU and 7.9 log CFU. While for unencapsulated
cells the number decreased from initial 11.3
log CFU to 3.8 log CFU. Conclusively, the results
of the study indicated that microencapsulation
played significant((P < 0.05) role in maintaining
the recommended viability (106–107 CFU/mL)
of probiotics in simulated conditions for their
effective therapeutic benefits.
Speaker Biography
Muhammad Afzaal is working as lecturer and focal person at
Institute of Home & Food Science, Government College University
Faisalabad, Pakistan since 2013. His area of research and interest is
food microbiology, food biotechnology, food safety and marketing
of value added products. He started his teaching profession from
the University of Faisalabad in 2011. He joined GC university in 2013
and is involve in teaching research relevant to food microbiology and
biotechnology. He has published more than 15 research papers, one
book and 02 chapters in well reputed journals. He has executed many
research projects as a team member and coordinator. He is currently
supervising M.Phil. students. He has been the part of organizing many
national and international conferences and food product development
muhammadafzaal@gcuf.edu.pkMuhammad Afzaal, J Food Technol Pres, Volume:3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C2-008