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April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Food Science and Technology
International Conference on
Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | Volume: 3
ISSN: 2591-796X
Food safety, current scenario and public health in Bangladesh
Luthfunnesa Bari, Md. Abu Zubair, Shahinul Haque Khan, Ariful Islam, M R Hoque, Beauty Akter
M K Sadia
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
nsafe food is a major public health concern
from farm to table in Bangladesh. This
study was taken to measure synthetic colors,
preservative, formaldehyde and adulterants from
various food samples by high performance liquid
chromatography and other laboratory methods.
We conducted a random survey using a structured
questionnaire on the use of chemicals for the quick
ripening of banana, papaya, lychee and in rice and
puffed rice processing. The toxic effects of synthetic
food color tartrazine on hematobiochemical
parameters inmicewas studied. The result showed
that sunset yellow in 5.5% orange jelly, carmosine
in 15.6% candies, sodium benzoate in 22% fruit
drinks were above the permissible limit and 5.15%
orange jelly used unknown color in total 180
samples. From 240 samples of fruits, noodles and
fish, we found that 17% mango, 15% apple & 23%
grape contained formalin above the permissible
limit. From a random survey, it was found that
dye, urea, alum, wax, even detergents were used
during processing of rice and 11.5%non-permitted
chemicals were used in lychee during growth,
ripening and storage period. Among 30 samples
of milk, starch, skim milk, sodium bicarbonate
and borax were identified in 23%, 15%, 13.33%
and 11.66% milk sample. Platelet, white blood
cell, and monocyte counts of tartrazine treated
group were significantly higher where Hb and red
blood cell counts were drastically lower than the
control group. The biochemical parameters such
as serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate
aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total
protein, globulin, urea, and creatinine level were
significantly increased, while serum cholesterol
level was decreased after treatment as compared to
the control. So it was considered that consumption
of high doses tartrazine have adverse effects on
blood serum activity and organ functions in mice.
Speaker Biography
Luthfunnesa Bari is an associate professor in the department of Food
Technology and Nutritional Science at Mawlana Bhashani Science and
Technology University in Tangail, Bangladesh where she has been since
2007. From 2012 to 2015 she served as Department Chair. She received
her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
in 2006. During 2001-2003, she worked as lab coordinator in swiss
agency for development and cooperation, Embassy of Switzerland,
Bangladesh. She is doing research with food safety and adulteration
in Bangladesh. She has several research papers in this area. Her recent
publication on study of a common azo food dye in mice model: Toxicity
reports and its relation to CarcinogenicityI (2019) in WILEY e-journal of
Food Science and Nutrition. She is a member of Asian Food Safety and
Security Association (AFSA).
mslbari@hotmail.comLuthfunnesa Bari et al., J Food Technol Pres, Volume:3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C2-008