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Journal of Food Science and Nutrition | Volume 2

December 09-10, 2019 | Dubai, UAE

Nutrition, Food Science and Technology



International Conference on

J Food Sci Nutr, Volume:2


icroorganisms are closely associated with and

controlling various metabolic activities directly or

indirectly in humans. The disruption and/or any disbalance

in the microbial composition may be linked to different

metabolic disorders. The chemotherapeutic treatments

used to cure the diseases are also known to pose negative

health impacts; also the development of antibiotic

resistance among pathogens has challenged or limited

their applications to control infections. Therefore, there

is a need to discover natural means to prevent and cure

the infections and other metabolic disorders. Probiotics

intervention as supplements or consumption of probiotics

carrying food products is one such promising approach that

can help maintain microbial homeostasis; thereby lead to

healthy life. In our lab, Lactobacillus reuteri strains from

breast fed infant feces were isolated and screened for various

probiotic attributes. Among various strains tested, L. reuteri

LR6 showed maximum tolerance to simulated gastric and

duodenum conditions, auto-aggregation, adhesion to Caco-

2 cell lines. The strain showed cholesterol lowering and

pathogen inhibition abilities under both in-vitro and in-vivo

conditions. Also, it was evident that Cell surface proteins

play an important role in probiotic activities, such as survival

in intestinal conditions, adhesion etc., of the strain LR6. The

cell surface proteins and extracellular proteins from the strain

LR6 were also found to play an important role in pathogens

inhibition and controlling the expression of various genes

involved in gut barrier functions using Caco-2 cell lines. It is

believed that the indigenous strain L. reuteri LR6 has great

potential and can be explored further for practical application.

Speaker Biography

Tejinder Pal Singh has completed his PhD at the age of 26 years from

National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India. He is working as an

Assistant Professor in Dairy Microbiology Department, College of Dairy

Science and Technology, LUVAS, Hisar, India. He has published over 15

research and review articles, 6 popular articles, 4 book chapters that

have been cited over 150 times. He has also received best paper and best

poster awards at different platforms.


Tejinder Pal Singh

Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, India

Probiotics intervention: A promising approach to control Metabolic

disorders and infections