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Journal of Diabetology | Volume 3
May 16-17, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic
Diabetes and Endocrinology
International Conference on
J Diabetol, Volume 3
The combination of nutrition and herbal medicine to bring balance to diabetic
Alexandre Fraysse
Healthy Pillars, United Kingdom
heneedtofocusonthenervoussystem,adrenals, liverand
pancreatic health through correct nutrition, food timing
restrictions (periods of intermittent fasting and actual fasting),
herbal medicine and lifestyle management are paramount to
bringing the diabetic condition into homeostasis. By looking
at the body organism as opposed to organs functioning
singularly, we can begin to see where the root of the issue
stems from and begin to implement strategies to bring
a state of balance to the body and mind. All 4 systems are
interrelated: The nervous system being in a para/sympathetic
state affects the functioning of the adrenals, which affects
the function of the liver and the pancreas and their release
of enzymes, synthesis of hormones, cholesterol, glycogen,
insulin and glucagon, amongst many other functions. Using
a nutrient, chlorophyll and fiber rich plant-based approach
alongside certain herbal medicine categories (alteratives,
bitters, nutritives, tonics and adaptogens) and lifestyle
management tactics, targeting these aforementioned bodily
systems can bring the diabetic condition back into a state
of homeostasis. Fasting and time restricted eating play an
important role in this homeostatic act and has played a role
in natural healing for thousands of years, however, should be
overseen by a professional