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September 16-17, 2019 | Paris, France
Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
World Congress on
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Cognitive Psychology | Volume: 03
Studies on the role of DNAdynamics inNeurodegeneration: Newchallenges and excitements
Jagannatha Rao KS
INDICASAT AIP, Republic of Panama
NA is adynamic and crucialmoleculewhose conformation
kinetics plays a major role in biological function. Reports
from our lab and elsewhere indicated the presence of non-
BDNA forms of conformations in neurodegenerative diseases
like Fragile X-syndrome, Huntington's chorea, Alzheimer's
and others. Recently, our laboratory discovered the presence
of Z-DNA in the hippocampal region of severely affected
Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain samples and modified
B-conformation in Parkinson disease. The alternate purine–
pyrimidine bases are the potential sequences adopting
Z-DNA, and these are present in the promoter regions of AD
specific genes like amyloid precursor protein (APP), Presenilin
and ApoE. We hypothesized that Z-DNA might be involved
in the expression of these pathologically important genes.
In the present paper, we have developed theoretical model
on the possible mechanisms/hypothetical proposition of
Z-DNA transition and its implications in AD. We developed a
model where we try to understand that Z-DNA is formed in
the promoter region of the APP, and Presenilin genes and
this conformation may absorb the negative supercoils at that
region. The decrease in the supercoil density alters the native
supercoiling domain and positively regulates gene expression
of like APP and Presenilin. We further try to understand that
Z-DNA may be involved in the down regulation of genes
involved in Aβ clearance defense mechanisms in AD. The
proposed model tries to understand the AD behavioral
pathology like emotions, eating behavior memory loss, and
coordination failure.