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Biotechnology Congress 2018 & Emerging Materials 2018


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Annual Congress on

Global Congress on

Joint Event on

Biomedical Research


ISSN: 0976-1683


Volume 29

Fuad Fares, Biomed Res 2018, Volume 29 | DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch-C4-009





nemajor issue regarding the clinical use ofmany peptides is their short half-

lifedue to the rapidclearance fromthecirculation.Toovercome thisproblem,

we succeeded to ligate the signal sequence of O-linked oligosaccharides

to the coding sequence of the hormones. The cassette gene that has been

used contains the sequence of the carboxyl-terminal peptide (CTP) of human

chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) subunit. The CTP contains 28 amino acids with

four O-linked oligosaccharide recognition sites. It was postulated that O-linked

oligosaccharides add flexibility, hydrophilicity and stability to the protein. On

the other hand, it was suggested that the four O-linked oligosaccharides play an

important role in preventing plasma clearance and thus increasing the half-life

of the protein in circulation. Using this strategy, we succeeded to ligate the CTP

to the coding sequence of follitropin (FSH), thyrotropin (TSH), erythropoietin

(EPO) growth hormone (GH) and thus to increase the longevity and bioactivity

of these proteins


. Interestingly, the new analogs of FSH and GH were

found not immunogenic in human and it is already passed successfully clinical

trials phase III and phase II respectively. Moreover, FSH long acting (ELONVA)

was approved by the European Commission (EC) for treatment of fertility

since 2010. In addition, our results indicated that long acting GH is not toxic

in monkeys and the results from clinical trials phase I and phase II seem to

be promising. Designing long acting peptides will diminish the cost of these

drugs and perhaps reduce the number of injections in the clinical protocols.

On the other hand, we found that deletion of N-linked oligosaccharides from

hTSH subunits resulted in significant decreased in the bioactivity. Moreover,

deglycosylated variants of TSH compete with normal hTSH and human

thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (hTSI) in a dose dependent manner.

Thus, this variant, behaves as potential antagonist, who may offer a novel

therapeutic strategy in the treatment of Grave’s disease, the most common

form of hyperthyroidism. In conclusion, it was found that addition of O-linked

oligosaccharides or deletion of N-linked oligosaccharides could be interesting

strategy for designing new analogs of glycoprotein hormones.


Fuad Fares has completed his MSc and DSc stud-

ies at the Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Insti-

tute of Technology, and postdoctoral studies at the

Department of Molecular Biology and Pharmacol-

ogy, School of Medicine, Washington University, St.

Louis Missouri. He developed the Department of

Molecular Genetics at Carmel Medical Center and

lead this department last 20 years. He is Associate

Professor at the Department of Human Biology,

University of Haifa and head the Laboratory of Mo-

lecular Genetics. He has published more than 90

manuscripts in reputed journals and served as a

Member of the Israel Council for Higher Education

last 15 years. He is the founder of PROLOR Biotech

company for designing long acting recombinant

proteins and CanCurX for identification of natural

products for treatment of cancer.

Fuad Fares

University of Haifa, Israel