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Journal of biomedical imaging and bioengineering
Volume 1, Issue 2
October 05-06, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA
apid prototypingmachines have advanced in recent years,
such that typical FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling)
desktop printers can be used to manufacture functional parts
for industrial use. One major issue preventing widespread
use of FDM printers is the lack of consistency in parts
quality. The quality of the material being used, and the print
conditions or parameters of the printing process can cause
changes to the mechanical properties of the printed parts
and subsequently calls into question the reproducibility
of parts. This paper seeks to factorize printing parameter
effects for additive manufacturing of parts, the effect of
the material quality on the mechanical properties of the
printed parts, and possible optimization routes for printing
parameters. The material selected for study is PLA (Poly
Lactic Acid), an increasingly utilized bioplastic polymer owing
to its biocompatibility, degradability, and sustainability.
Using a design of experiments (DOE) approach, the print
parameters of FDM printer, raster orientation and layer
thickness were systematically varied to determine effect on
mechanical properties. Thermal analysis using Differential
Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was performed on the filament
before printing at different points in the spool, and of
the printed parts after printing to study crystallinity and
structural changes produced by the printing process, and to
quantify material differences prior to printing. The results
from the subsequent analysis will be used to optimize print
parameters to ensure quality of the printed parts in terms of
mechanical properties, by deducing a correlation between
print parameters and mechanical properties of PLA and
predicting reproducibility of parts in terms of mechanical
Speaker Biography
Noha Peter is currently pursuing hisMasters inMechanical Engineering at the University
of Florida. He is working as a research assistant in the field of additive manufacturing
under the guidance of Dr Nancy J Ruzycki of Material Science and Engineering. He has
worked for 3 years as an equipment engineer, engineering various kinds of rotating and
packaged equipment for clients across the world.
nohapeter90@ufl.eduFDM print parameter optimization to improve PLA parts mechanical properties
Noha Peter & Nancy Jean Ruzycki
University of Florida, USA