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Journal of biomedical imaging and bioengineering
Volume 1, Issue 2
October 05-06, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA
hree-dimensional (3D) printing has been a widespread
technique across various fields of the business world.
For medical use, 3D printed products are mainly used for
surgical simulations. For example, prior to a plastic surgery
for craniofacial deformity, surgeons create a skull model,
dissect it, and try to collate the parts into their appropriate
positions. In the present session, I will describemy experience
of surgical simulations using 3D models in neurosurgery.
Several types of 3D models have been produced. I will
predominantly focus on one of these models, a silicone
model of cerebral aneurysm. Because of the propensity of
cerebral aneurysm to rupture, it is a critical disease causing
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. We treat this disease by clipping
surgery or by coiling intervention of the aneurysm. However,
this surgery is challenging because the anatomical structure
around these aneurysms is complicated and patient-specific.
Therefore, pre-surgical simulations are important. We
decided that 3D printers might be useful for such simulations
and developed 3D hollow elastic aneurysm models. A 3D
printer, “UP Plus” (Beijing Tiertime Technology, China),
with acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS) as a modelling
material, was used to produce a vessel model. The prototype
was then coated with liquid silicone. After the silicone was
hardened, the ABS was melted using solvent and removed,
leaving the outer layer as a hollow elastic model.
Simulations using this hollow elastic model were performed
in over 50 patients. In most patients, the clipping proceeded
as scheduled. The postoperative assessment performed by
surgeons showed favourable outcomes in most cases. This
method allows simple fabrication at a low cost.
We also fabricate soft brain models using 3D printing and
casting techniques. In these cases, direct products of the
3D printer, such as hollow elastic blood vessel and soft
brain models are combined. These models are also useful;
however, we had to spend time and effort on fabrication.
I wish that 3D printers would automatically fabricate such
types of models.
Speaker Biography
Toshihiro Mashiko PhD is Associate Professor in Department of Neurosurgery, Jichi
Medical University, Japan. He is a member of many reputed Neuroscience Societies
and published good number of research papers in Peer review Journals.
mashiko@jichi.ac.jpNeurosurgical simulations using 3D models with soft blood vessels
Toshihiro Mashiko
Jichi Medical University, Japan