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Journal of biomedical imaging and bioengineering
Volume 1, Issue 2
October 05-06, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA
Patients no longer must endure the “goo”, “mess” and
“gagging” of traditional impression taking! Fast, highly
accurate, no “mess” intraoral digital scanning has evolved to
vastly improve the world of both patient and dentist! Highly
accurate digital data allows equally accurate 3D printed
models to be created in the dental office for everyday use.
Dentistry has left the “Stone Ages” of fragile, inaccurate,
messy gypsum models! Computers are now used to trim
3D printed models rather than using “stone age” grinders.
Specific purpose made polymers is used with in-office 3D
printers to 3D print accurate 3D models, surgical guides
and provisional restorations. Patients can now have teeth
replaced with implants so accurate that the restorations can
be premade and delivered at the time of implant placement.
Patients can walk out with new implants and new teeth! A
wide range of specific case examples will be presented.
Speaker Biography
Perry E Jones is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Dentistry,
where he is an Adjunct Faculty, Associate Professor in the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
Department as well as an Associate Professor in the Department of General Dentistry.
He has earned a Fellowship as well as Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry
and is the Director of the Virginia AGDMastership program. For the past 10 consecutive
years, he has given the Invisalign University Training program to the D3 pre-doctoral
dental students at VCU School of Dentistry. He developed the curriculum for the
VCU D2 Thermoplastics course, the first University in the world to use 3D printed
models for a hands-on thermoplastics University course. Orthodontics has been a key
practice focus for some 30+ years. One of the first Invisalign certified GP providers
(2001), He has been a member of Align’s speaker TEAM since 2002, presenting some
300+ Invisalign certifications. He has published some 40+ articles in publications that
include: Glidewell’s Inclusive Implant magazine, Chairside magazine, Dentistry Today,
Inside Dentistry, Dental Product Shopper, Dental Economics, Journal of the Academy
Cosmetic Dentistry, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, Journal of Oral Implantology and
perry@drperryjones.comPerry E Jones
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Digital scanning and 3D printing: The future is now for dentistry