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J Parasit Dis Diagn Ther 2017 | Volume 2 Issue 4

International Conference on

Zoology, Microbiology & Medical Parasitology

October 30-November 01, 2017 | Chicago, USA

Comparison of individual and pooled urine samples for estimating the presence and intensity of

Schistosoma haematobium

infections at the population level

Abraham Degarege


, Berhanu Erko


, Zeleke Mekonnen


, Mengistu Legesse


, Yohannes Negash


, Jozef Vercruysse


, Purnima Madhivanan







Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia


Florida International University, USA


Ghent University, Belgium


Jimma University, Ethiopia

Statement of the problem:

We lack cost-effective diagnostic

strategies to evaluate whether mass drug administration

(MDA) programs to control

Schistosoma haematobium

progress as anticipated. The purpose of this study is to

provide a proof-of-principle for examination of pooled urine

samples as a strategy for rapid assessment of presence and

intensity of

Schistosoma haematobium

infections at the

population level.


A total of 640 urine samples were collected

from 520 school-aged children. Individual and pooled urine

samples were screened using the filtration technique to

determine the number of

S. haematobium

eggs in 10 ml of

urine. Samples were pooled into pools of 5 (n = 128), 10 (n

= 64) and 20 (n = 32) individual samples. The sensitivity and

urine egg counts (UECs) of a pooled examination strategy

was calculated for each pool size.


The sensitivity of a pooled examination strategy

was 50.6% for pools of 5, 68.6% for pools of 10 and 63.3%

for pools of 20. The sensitivity of a pooled examination

strategy increased as a function of increasing mean UEC

of the corresponding individual urine samples. For each

of the three pool sizes, there was a significant positive

correlation between mean UECs of individual and those

obtained in pooled samples (correlation coefficient: 0.81–

0.93). Examination of pools of 5 provided significantly lower

UECs compared to the individual examination strategy (3.9

eggs/10 ml urine versus 5.0 eggs/10 ml urine). For pools of

10 (4.4 eggs/10 ml) and 20 (4.2 eggs/10 ml), no significant

difference in UECs was observed.


Examination of pooled urine samples applying

urine filtration holds promise for rapid assessment of

intensity of

S. haematobium

infections, but may fail to

detect presence of infections when endemicity is low.

Further investigation is required to determine when and

how pooling can be optimally implemented in monitoring of

MDA programs.

Speaker Biography

Abraham Degarege has several years’ research experience on studying the

epidemiology of malaria and helminth coinfection and evaluating the performance

of different techniques for the diagnosis of helminth and Plasmodium parasites.

His findings help to understand the nature of interaction between helminth and

Plasmodium and improve diagnosis of helminth infection. His recent research on the

diagnostic performance of the pooling techniques indicated new cost effective strategy

for the rapid assessment of Schistosoma haematobium infections at a population

level. This pooling strategy will help to evaluate whether the current mass deworming

programs to control Schistosoma haematobium progress as anticipated.
