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J Parasit Dis Diagn Ther 2017 | Volume 2 Issue 4

International Conference on

Zoology, Microbiology & Medical Parasitology

October 30-November 01, 2017 | Chicago, USA


nderstanding the environmental and anthropogenic

factors influencing the probability of occurrence of

the marine parasites is fundamental for determining the

circumstances under which they can act as bioindicators of

environmental impact. The aimof this studywas to determine

whether physicochemical variables and polyaromatic

hydrocarbons affect the probability of occurrence of the

larval cestode Oncomegas wageneri, which infects the shoal


Syacium gunteri

, in the southern Gulf of Mexico.

The study included 162 sampling sites, where sediments,

water and the shoal flounders were collected. We used

the boosted generalized additive models (boosted GAM)

to examine the potential statistical relationships between

the contaminants and physicochemical variables from the

water and sediments, and the probability of the occurrence

of this parasite. The boosted GAM accurately predicted the

probability of the occurrence of

O. wageneri

. The variables

with the highest frequencies of appearance in the models

(proxies for the explained variability) were the polyaromatic

hydrocarbons of high molecular weight (PAHH, 95 %). The

PAHH, together with N and P, are carried by rivers that

discharge into the ocean, which enhances the growth of

bacteria and intermediate hosts. Our results suggest that

sites with PAHL/PAHH ratio values up to 1.89 promote

transmission based on the high values of the prevalence


O. wageneri

in the study area. In contrast, PAHL/PAHH

ratio values ≥1.90 were apparently harmful for the parasite

transmission. Overall, the results indicate that the PAHHs

affect the probability of occurrence of

O. wageneri

in the

southern Gulf of Mexico.


Environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting the probability of occurrence of

Oncomegas wageneri

(Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) in the southern Gulf of Mexico

Víctor M Vidal-Martínez

Cinvestav, México