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International Surgery and Ortho Conference

October 25-26, 2017 | Toronto, Canada

Case Rep Surg Invasive Proced 2017 | Volume 1 Issue 3

Case of glass bottle in the rectum and management algorithm

Vikram Saini

MAMC, India


ase report begins with a 36-year-old male presented

with the history of accidental introduction of glass bottle

in the rectum. Multiple repeated attempts of self-removal

failed at home and Civil Hospital Fatehabad and patient refer

to MAMC, Agroha. Vital signs normal abdomen was soft with

hard moving object felt suprapubic region. X-ray of abdomen

shows the glass bottle. Per rectal examination performed

after the X-ray of the abdomen revealed the base of the

glass bottle. Manual removal by holding the base was not

successful due to mucous coating the surface. All methods

of removal in different position and with obstetrics forceps,

vacuum suction tried in emergency room but failed. Patient

shifted to Operation Theater and under general anesthesia

glass bottle of length 16 cm was taken out by transanal

route. Glass bottle having some suspicious matter in it

appear to be case of smuggling some narcotic substance,

object was sealed and handed over to police. Patient did not

reveal anything new in history and repeatedly telling it was

an accident of falling on a bottle while he was defecating

outside in open field. Post removal per rectal examination

and sigmoidoscopy did not reveal any colorectal injury

except some minor anal tears. Post removal recovery was

uneventful and patient did not have anal incontinence or

perianal infection. Psychiatric opinion was taken and patient

was discharged after informing police.


Males are commonly affected. Most of case

series of foreign body within the rectum are reported from

Eastern Europe and uncommon in Asia. The object length

varied between 6 and 16 cm, and larger objects were more

prone for complications. Per rectal examination is the

cornerstone in the diagnosis, but it should be performed

after X-ray abdomen to prevent accidental injury to the

surgeon from sharp objects. X-ray pelvis and X-ray abdomen

help in locating and localizing the foreign body and rule out

intestinal perforation. The lateral films of pelvis will orient

whether the foreign body is high or low lying. Majority (90%)

of the cases is treated by transanal retrieval. Abdominal

manipulation and stabilization helps in retrieval when the

bottle is slippery. Obstetric forceps or snares are only helpful

in grasping the broad and slippery base with limited success.

Colonoscopy removal is also reported with good success.

Even with laparotomy, the aim is transanal removal and

closure of perforation with diversion colostomy.


In the present case, 16 cm large glass bottle

transanal removal was carried out under general anesthesia

without any complication. Abdominal manipulation

and stabilization helps in retrieval the bottle by relaxing

abdominal and rectal muscle under general anesthesia.

Speaker Biography

Vikram Saini completed his MBBS from PGIMS Rohtak Haryana India. He joined MAMC

Agroha India for Post-graduation in Surgery and he is currently working there. During

this time period, he co-authored “Evaluation of the Epidemiological and Clinical Profile

of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in a Rural Medical Institution: A Retrospective

Study” in J Adv Med Dent Scie Res. And he also presented a poster at PGIMS Rohtak,

Haryana Chapter ASI.
