Structural Biology 2018 & STD AIDS 2018
Identification of HIV | Prevention & Treatment | Infectious Diseases | Structural Biology & 3D Structures
STD-AIDS in Asia and world perspective
S M Rasel Faruk,
Kabir National Skin Center, Bangladesh
Tuberculosis determination using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and
chemometric methods
Raju Botta,
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
Solute Binding Proteins and their cognate ligands: structure, function and their role
in functional annotation
Umesh Yadava,
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, India
The impacts of a demand-side VMMC incentives program on the male circumcision
rate in 2 districts in Malawi: a synthetic control approach
Suzi Joel,
National AIDS Commission, Malawi
Blood mixture and the danger of discharge in patients experiencing heart medical
procedure with extracorporeal dissemination
Manuel Luque Oliveros,
University of Sevilla, Spain
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in an immunocompromised patient: a case report
Jamarkattel Sujan,
Lincoln Medical Center, USA
Session Chair
Rex Stockton
Indiana University
S e p t e m b e r 0 4 , 2 0 1 8
D a y 2
Session Introduction