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Structural Biology 2018 & STD AIDS 2018

Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology


Volume 2

S e p t e m b e r 0 3 - 0 4 , 2 0 1 8 | B a n g k o k , T h a i l a n d






International Conference on

International Conference on

Joint Event on

J Genet Mol Biol 2018, Volume 2


Qiu-Xing Jiang

University of Florida, USA


ipid-dependent gating refers to our observations that lipid molecules without phosphate groups in their headgroup regions,

called nonphospholipids, favor the resting state of the voltage-sensor domain in a voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel

whereas phospholipid molecules favor the activated state. More studies suggest that the annular lipids and a Kv channel form a

functional unit and both nonspecific and specific interactions at the protein-lipid interface contribute to the energetic differences

of the channel in different gating states. Since our discovery of the phenomenon in KvAP, similar results have been obtained from

other voltage-gated ion channels in both

in vitro


ex vivo

systems, suggesting that the lipid-dependent gating could be a more

generic gating mode for other voltage-gated ion channels. To analyze the conformational changes of a Kv channel in different

lipids, we obtained a peptide-binder that recognizes a non-phospholipid-stabilized resting state of the KvAP voltage sensor and

found that attachment of the peptide to the C-terminus of the channel appears to keep it in the resting state in phospholipid

membranes. We analyzed the structure of the KvAP-peptide fusion protein by single particle cryoEM and revealed a voltage-

sensor ring that may keep the voltage-sensor paddle in a resting state where all its arginine residues face the intracellular side

of the gating pore with the tip of the S3S4 paddle leaning against the splayed-open S1/S2. The structural features of the new

model are different from the four-helix bundle structure of the voltage sensor domain in the activated conformation and allow

the S3/S4 to face annular lipids directly. Such structural arrangements could explain a set of biochemical data we obtained

from different channel mutants and reveal new insights on the possible movement of the voltage sensor domain to achieve its

gating control of the ion-conducting pore. Another surprise from the cryoEM study is that an unknown protein binds tightly to

the extracellular side of the KvAP pore domain. MS spectrometry and proteomic analysis suggested a few candidates that need

further characterization. We are investigating whether the new pore-binders play a role in the lipid or voltage-dependent gating

of the channel.