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J Infectious Disease Med Microbiol, Volume 3

November 21-22, 2019 | Singapore

Global Experts Meeting on



International Conference on


Infectious Diseases

Allergy, Immunology

and Rheumatology

Joint Event




Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology | Volume 3

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disability that

causes significant social, communication, and behavioral

challenges. Autism can be detected as young as 18 months

or younger, and by the age of 2, a diagnosis can be provided;

nevertheless, the vast majority of individuals do not receive

final diagnosis until they are much older. Autism does not

discriminate and can occur with all ages, racial and ethnic

groups. Autism is more common in boys than in girls and

researchers estimate the disorder to affect four times as many

boys as girls (Ubelacker, 2010). Autism is a growing epidemic

and the etiology is still unknown. Many individuals who carry

this diagnosis are socially oblivious and lack capacity with

judgment anddecisionmaking. There is some speculation that

autism is related to immunizations and environmental factors.

Although, autism is a lifelong developmental disability, those

diagnosed with high functioning autism are able to function

more independently than those diagnosed with profound or

severe autism. Moreover, coping with autism is a significant

concern for parents as they continue to struggle with finding

appropriate individualized transition plans, resources and

services needed to assist their children (Carter, 2014).

This presentation will illuminate both high functioning

autism and profound autism in an effort to address effective

treatment methodologies.

Some signs and symptoms associated with autism include the


• Does not babble by 12 months

• Does not use gestures or single words by 12 to 18 months

• Does not say two-word phrases on their own by 24 months

• Loss of language and social skill

• Echolalia

• Limited eye contact

• Preoccupationwith preferred objects (socks, trains, and toys

that may move, etc.)

• Disengaged in parallel play

• Difficulty with transition and routines

• Sensory difficulties

• Prefers not to be cuddled

• Rigidity

• Literal thinkers

• Abstract

• Lacks friendships

• Exceptional memorization skills

Somemaladaptive behaviors that individuals with autismmay

experience include the following:

• Elopement/Wandering

• Detachment

• Soiling of the Clothing

• Aggression

• Property Destruction

•Oblivious to dangerous and/or hazardous situations

Amanda Carter


Addressing Autism Spectrum Disorder and Effective

Treatment Methodologies to Mitigate Maladaptive Behaviors