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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
November 26-27, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Spine and Spine Disorders
Addiction Research and Therapy
3rd International Conference on
International Conference on
Joint Event
espite its ever-growing media profile gambling addiction
remains the most misunderstood dependency. This
lack of understanding prevents those suffering the addiction
seeking treatment and tests the confidence and skills of even
the most experienced drug and alcohol addiction therapists.
Threads of similarities run through the underlying causes and
consequences of gambling addiction and some drug addiction,
and in treatment methods, but these threads are broken
in striking and surprising ways too. To begin understanding
how to deliver effective treatment methods we need to
understand- and to help our clients to understand- that what
drives an addiction to gambling is so much more than money.
What drives someone to choose gambling as a drug of choice?
Why domany ofmy clients tell me theymade a conscious choice
to let go of substance and alcohol addiction in favor of gambling
addiction? What are the key ingredients for effective treatment
creating lifelong rewarding recovery? These questions are
answered in this presentation based on my over sixteen years’
experience of working as specialist in gambling addiction
and learning through my practice what it is that really works.
Speaker Biography
Liz Karter is a therapist with over seventeen years’ experience of treating gambling
addiction in both men and women and is considered a leading UK expert. Working
within leading UK treatment agencies, Liz was a pioneer in identifying differences
in male and female gambling addiction patterns and developing specific treatment
methods for women. She established the first UK women’s recovery groups for problem
gambling in 2006. Liz regularly appears on national and international TV and radio as
consultant therapist and writes articles on addiction for worldwide publications. As
well as contributing chapters to addiction treatment publications Liz has published two
books on her area of specialization, which is gambling addiction in women.
info@levelgroundtherapy.ukLiz Karter
Level Ground Therapy, UK
Gambling: Why a Drug of choice?