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Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume: 03
International Conference on
November 21-22, 2019 | Singapore
Joint event on
recise hysteresis description and efficient control
of smart materials and structures are the only way
to the applications. Magnetorheological semi-active
seat suspension system for an extreme application -
mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles, is taken as
an example to show: (i) how hysteretic nonlinearity is
efficiently modeled and (ii) how precise control is realized.
The impact caused by the detonation of landmines and
improvised explosive devices may lead to spine fracture
and injury of the seated occupants on mine-resistant
ambush-protected vehicles. The vibration transmitted
from the uneven road surface is another factor affecting
ride comfort/health, on the other hand. Aiming at
minimizing the injury to spine and “discomfort” due
to the shock and vibration from the terrain or blast, a
magnetorheological energy absorber-based semi-active
seat suspension system for both shock and vibration
mitigation is investigated. A resistor-capacitor operator,
summarized from the electric circuit characteristics, is
proposed to model the rate-independent memory effect
of the magnetorheological energy absorber. A concept
of integrated hybrid controller combining strategies for
shock and vibration control is proposed for the specific
application. The hybrid controller employs the skyhook
control strategy to achieve vibration control and the “soft-
landing” control strategy to achieve shock control, and it
switches between the two control strategies according
to the system dynamic states. As a result, precise output
of the desired damping force of the hybrid controller is
realized by the magnetorheological energy absorber from
numerical simulation and experimental tests.
Xian-Xu ‘Frank’ Bai received his Ph.D. degree in Instrument Science and
Technology from Chongqing University in 2013. He joined Hefei University
of Technology in 2013 and founded Laboratory for Adaptive Structures
and Intelligent Systems (LASIS) in 2016. His research interests are focused
in two areas. (i) Design, optimization, dynamics, and control of smart
structures based on smart materials, including magnetorheological fluids/
elastomers and magnetostrictive materials, applied to automotive and
aerospace systems, and (ii) New mechatronics-based vehicle dynamics
and control in emphasis on intelligent/unmanned vehicles. He has
authored over 50 international journal and conference articles. He is an
inventor on 16 issued Chinese patents and 2 PCT US patents (pending).
Currently, he serves as an Associate Editor of Journal of Intelligent
Material Systems and Structures. He is a Committee Member of Adaptive
Structures and Materials System Branch of Aerospace Division of ASME.
He is a peer reviewer of over 30 international journals. He is a member of
ASME, SAE-China and IEEE.
bai@hfut.edu.cnXian-Xu ‘Frank’ Bai
Hefei University of Technology, China
Hysteresis modeling and precise control of magnetorheological
semi-active system
Mater Sci Nanotechnol, Volume: 03