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Journal of Biomedical Research | Volume 29
October 22-23, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany
International Conference on
Robo t i c s a n d A u t oma t i o n
B iomater ial s and Nanomater ial s
Joint Event
ince the first sheep was produced by somatic cell nuclear
transfer (SCNT), cloned animals have been produced in
many mammalian species. Nuclear transfer is a complicated
procedure. Usually, only around 1-3%of reconstructed embryos
developed into live cloned animals. This low success rate is
considered to be the major limitation of extensive application
of the SCNT technique in pigs. Here we developed a robotic
SCNT manipulation process, in which operation consistency
was kept and force/pressure in the process was well controlled
to reduce the damage in manipulation process and increased
the success rate of cloning. Experiment results show that the
proposed robotic SCNT system reduce the mechanical damage
of the oocytes, and lead to high development rate. In our
experiment, we achieved the blastocyst rate of 21%, which is
a better result by comparison to the blastocyst rate of 10-14%
in pig cloning. Furthermore, robotic SCNT has been applied
to pig cloning. We did thousands of robotic SCNT operations
and transferred 510 reconstructed embryos into 6 pigs and
obtained 13 cloned pigs at last. Our results demonstrate that
the robotic SCNT not only relieves the operator fromtedious cell
operations, but also reduces the damage of the oocytes in SCNT.
Speaker Biography
Xin Zhao received the B.S. degree from Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R.China, in 1991,
the M.S. degree from Shenyang Institute of Automation, CAS, Shenyang, P.R.China,
in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree from Nankai University, in 1997, all in control theory
and control engineering. Prof. Zhao was the recipient of 1999 Excellent Professor
Award, Nankai University, 2000 Inventory Prize, Tianjin Municipal Government, 2002
Excellent Professor Award of “College Key Teachers Fund”, Ministry of Education. His
team pioneered robotic animal cloning and successfully got 13 cloned piglets in 2017
e: Zhao
Nankai University, China
Minimum damage-oriented robotic enucleation for oocytes and cloned piglet
produced by robotic SCNT
Xin Zhao
, Robotics & Biomaterials 2018, Volume 29
DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch-C6-015